My beautiful boss

Chapter 8 Beat Up The Bastard

'Her again?!'

Peter couldn't believe what was happening.

"Woah! It's so nice to see you again! I actually had a dream about you on the night that we met. I always knew you were special, but I didn't expect you to be the CEO of this company! It suits you with your charm and elegance."

'Perhaps if I sweet-talk her, I'll get on her good side.' He might have forgotten the fact that he told her he never wanted to see her again.

"Hahaha, really, now?" She seemed flattered. It was working.

"Really, darling, " Peter assured her.

"Hmmm, interesting. I seem to remember things differently. In my vague memory, you said something like never wanting to see me again? And, hmm. Correct me if I'm wrong but… I kind of remember you refused to give me your number, " Bella said sheepishly.

"I was having a really rough day, to be honest, " Peter replied desperately trying to salvage the situation. How could he have known she was the President of his then-future employer? "Plus, I was very tipsy so didn't think much of it. I'm sorry if I said anything harsh."

"Hmm… Okay. Now that you said you were sorry and that you were really drunk that night, I will accept your apology, " Bella said with a cute pout.

"Aww, thank you so much, darling. You're beautiful on the outside and on the inside." Seeing that Bella was not angry anymore, Peter started to shift the topic back to work. "Now that we're friends, my darling angel, I'm wondering if we can talk about additional compensation, and maybe a promotion. What do you think?"

Suddenly, Bella's expression changed. The sweet playful girl was gone and the big boss was back. "You shall address me as Miss Song, Mr. Wang."

'What the fuck?'

Peter couldn't believe it. All the flattery was useless!

"I will not take orders from a mere security guard about who I will promote and how much I will pay my employees. Get out! You're fired!" Bella said, loudly slamming her hands on her desk as she stood up.


In a snap, Bella felt like a totally different person!

wanted to hear, but

a bullshit CEO. I don't even want to work here anymore!"

Bella asked, both alarmed and mildly excited, as she backed up

her arms and pushed her to the office desk. With one swift movement, he swung his hand towards her ass.


felt pain all over. It felt painful but she bore the

feeds you. You'll regret this, you bitch!" Remembering the power play and injustice he encountered all throughout the day, Peter felt his rage

Pak! Pak! Pak!

of flesh hitting flesh continued

and on until he felt like it was enough.

deserved it after what she did. He had rescued her in the bar but

down on her stomach, with her buttocks raised. She was red from anger,

position… Her

will now leave and be sure that you never see me again." Eaten by guilt, Peter

to reach for the door when he heard Bella speak. "Leave that door, or I will call the police to arrest you for molesting me, the moment you do. My office is under heavy security and surveillance and I have every piece of evidence

she slowly got herself to stand up

know how to act properly, ' she

you want from me?: Peter asked, puzzled at the recent turn of events. Still, he lost his temper and

You are not allowed to leave Silverland Group,

could not understand what

know. I take it

must be a masochist, ' Peter thought. Had he known, he would have started slapping her

to fire

'What the hell?'

to understand the situation, Peter conceded and left.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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