My beautiful boss

Chapter 200 A Reward

"You talk nonsense!" Darren yelled, "These are all part of your story. Who knows if they are true or false? Do you have any proof?"

Darren was not willing to let Peter go. He gritted his teeth and tried to make Peter admit.

"Is there anything to prove? You can ask the person involved." Peter laughed. He did not expect that Darren would like to humiliate himself further.

Darren grinned as he heard Peter. He turned to Brandon and said through gritted teeth, "What he said, is that true? Tell me the truth. I will make you pay if you lie!"

Obviously, he was threatening Brandon.

"Darren Bai, how could you be so shameless like this?"

Amelia was enraged as she noticed he was threatening Brandon.

Even if she recognized Brandon and was aware of his relationship with Peter, she was still unsure if Brandon would incriminate Peter under the circumstances.

People who were in favor of Peter like Garrett and Dora were beginning to worry about him.

Darren was an elite in Golden City. Anyone would be scared if threatened by him. What if Brandon changed his mind? Peter would be ruined forever.

Despite Peter's great strength, he could not escape from Orchid Club and from these tough bodyguards. There was no chance for him.

"Darren Bai, I have witnessed everything. I can testify."

Dora stepped out and frowned upon Darren's arrogance.

"Humph, who doesn't know you are close to Amelia? Your testimony does not count."

Darren did not buy it. He stared at Brandon once again.

"I will ask you again. What he said, is it true or not? Think twice of the consequences before you lie."

"Are you trying to threaten Brandon?" Peter mocked.

He was not worried at all compared with the others. His face was filled with mock.

How could Brandon implicate Peter? This was so ridiculous!

Just as he expected, Brandon did not disappoint Peter. With the threats from Darren and intimidation from the bodyguards, he gritted his teeth and said, "What he said is the truth! Those bastards deserve to be punched. I will kill them one day!"

him that

done. Darren, just remove your men." Evan was afraid that Darren would ask for an insult again. He gave instruction quickly.

even if he was very much unwilling

bodyguards and left angrily. He glanced at Peter and

lost his face totally tonight. Peter did not take him seriously, nor did a nobody like

a glance at Peter and left.

after being through the

offending Darren. He will not

Brandon after leaving the club.

Peter was. If anyone would get involved in

nodded and his eyes turned vicious. "If he dares to harm me, I will fight him even if

weak! I will forever remember what happened today. He will pay for

said, grinding his teeth in anger.

was indeed humiliated today.

beating like today. It could


worry about that. Just let me know if he dares to strike you or your

but Amelia and Brandon knew it was

was moved by his words.

what real brotherhood

Peter was the best choice he had made in his

a little anxious. "Don't mess around. There would be no place for you in H Country if you kill Darren. What's more, have you forgotten, you are with me? The Director of Public Security Bureau is standing beside you. And you dare to say something like this. I can

How could I even kill a person? I was just bragging. I

around. If something happens to Brandon, tell me

said gently.


his head quickly.

became more curious about Peter after

ordinary at all,

that Peter was not just Amelia's boyfriend

separated after having

come Peter and Amelia were

if they had been in

think about it anymore. It happened a lot anyway.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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