My beautiful boss

Chapter 36 Stay Calm

"What are you all doing here? Don't you all have work?" A cold voice sliced through the commotion just as Jaden was fuming. Bella appeared with a still face catching everyone's attention.

The senior managers immediately bowed their heads and moved to both sides to make way for her.

Despite Bella's short stay in the company, she was already able to establish a strong reputation.

Apart from Jaden, no one dared to challenge Bella in Silverland Group, let alone offend or displease her.

Everyone knew of the rivalry between Jaden and Bella. Jaden still harbored ill feelings towards Bella especially after she landed her position as president. Jaden was the main candidate for the post had Bella not been transferred. There had been friction between them ever since.

"What's happening?" Bella demanded, walking to Jaden's side.

"I caught this security guard stealing confidential information from my computer. Miss Song, you need to decide what to do with him, on behalf of the company, "

Jaden advised dutifully, hiding his ulterior motifs. He knew Bella wanted to back Peter up, but he was determined to make the situation difficult for her, not as easy as she wished.

Bella didn't know what to do, cursing inwardly. He was speaking in front of everybody so she couldn't openly defend Peter.

She was sure that if she did that in front of her managers, news of her bias would reach the directors in less than 10 minutes and her position as president would be in jeopardy.

As Bella was trying to find the best way to go about the situation, four policemen suddenly came rushing in.

"Officers, thank God you're here. This man stole confidential information. Please arrest him and find out who he's working for!" Jaden immediately requested, grabbing the opportunity to have Peter detained.

Silverland Group was known as the biggest financial group in the Golden City. The police would surely prioritize this issue and immediately jump at Peter.

But as they came closer, they recognized him right away. "Mr. Wang, is that you?"

the Southern Regional Bureau. He didn't expect that the spy Jaden reported would turn out to

on time. I need your help to prove my innocence, " Peter told

anger. He didn't expect a mere security

you wouldn't bend the law just because you know the person involved, would you? This man sneaked into my office to steal confidential information. I caught him in action. This is the flash drive he used to store the data. We have

he would not have come here. Now what? He was holding a wolf by the ears. How would he

allegations were true, then there would not be any problems. But if they weren't, his position as director

he'd surely be under scrutiny for his refusal in front of the senior managers of Silverland Group. Neither side wasn't without risk. Realizing that he was in a severely precarious situation

him right away, Mr. Xing. Peter is denying the allegation. We might as well

this culprit. I will file a complaint

address me as such? Know your place! As president of this company, I will not hesitate to put a criminal behind bars; but also I am not going to allow any of my employees to be unjustly accused of a

anymore. But if the allegations against him are proven wrong, then mark my words, I WILL find out who is behind

regaining her control

he explained calmly. "First of all, I have never seen that flash drive before. You can check it for my fingerprints

of when I came in and compare it to the timestamp on the data in the flash drive so you can see if I was able to copy all the pieces of information there, in such

keyboard, mouse, and even his desk, and see if my fingerprints are on there.

I sat on this sofa for a while. You will surely find my fingerprints on the armrest and the glass if

can check if his computer is wired to anything that would allow for remote

Peter said left everyone

Richard and Jaden clearly did not expect a mere security guard to be so calm and clear-minded under a

really just

felt very uneasy.

didn't seem so surprised as she was well aware of what

waste time. He immediately called for his team to check the CCTV footage and the pieces of evidence

was white as ash. He knew he lost this battle and there

straight. She attempted to slowly exit the scene, but the police stopped her.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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