My Blind Husband

Chapter 872 Midnight Determination

Standing by the window, Sebastian observed Damien gallantly open the car door for Cherise. “He’s quite an intriguing adversary.”

“I’ve already arranged for Mr. Hampson to take Sera back home,”

Damien remarked casually during the drive. “If a situation like this arises again, I’ll handle it.”

Cherise, holding Soren tightly, expressed her concern. “I didn’t want to disturb you. I thought you were busy.”

“I didn’t anticipate the kindergarten teacher calling you as well,”

Damien responded with a faint smile in his obsidian–like eyes. “Indeed.”

“From now on, I’ll take care of these matters.”

“You should gather the evidence that proves you didn’t plagiarize.”

“After proving your innocence, Soren won’t get into fights with his classmates anymore,” Damien assured.

Resting in Cherise’s embrace. Soren said, “Actually, I don’t want to fight.”

harsh with their

hugged him tighter.

herself in the study until dinner,

surrounding her and

engaged in a scuffle with

the urgency to compile evidence proving her innocence

in the

morning, Cherise uploaded a document titled “Proof

version of her thesis and the

she included photographs depicting surgical procedures and patients‘ recoveries.

Cherise’s documentation appeared

failed to garner widespread attention due to its complexity,

morning, Yolanda took to the internet to accuse Cherise of stealing proof,

was caught off guard when she realized that Cherise

responding, firm and unwavering. “If Ms. Weiss insists on your claim regarding the surgery five years ago, please provide a surgical confirmation letter from


it? If not, I have the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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