My Blind Husband

Chapter 912 The Clueless Husband 

‘What should I do in this situation?’

Soon, Lucy’s reply came.

‘Do you want to hear the truth?’

‘Yes,’ Cherise typed.

‘If I were you, I would go to the appointment, get Sebastian drunk, and make him sign an agreement to transfer the shares to Damien.’

‘But I can hold my liquor while you can’t, so this method might not work for you. You better not go’

Sighing out loud, Cherise rubbed her temples.

‘So you’re saying I can’t avoid him.’

‘Well, that’s basically what I mean.’

Lucy’s words were straightforward, ‘If you really want to help Damien, it’s better to go talk to Sebastian in the office and organize the information. It’s more effective than doing nothing.’

Cherise gripped her phone tightly by her side and closed her eyes, seriously considering Lucy’s suggestion.

She had to admit that Lucy was right.

talk to Sebastian and ask him not to

limited and that Sebastian might not be willing to go through the deal just because they

not regret trying to

Sebastian’s contact information again Just as she opened the chat box, she heard the footsteps of a man outside the

seconds later, Damien, who was sweating profusely, handed Cherise a large black

packed plastic bag

“Why… so many?”

don’t know which brand you like,

nervously with his hands, Damien looked a little embarrassed as he turned his face

Cherise was

kind… he bought

man know how many brands and types of sanitary

as she was pondering this, Damien handed her another big bag and then

continued to stare in amazement at the line of bags in front of

bags of sanitary pads that almost filled the

buy them

fortunate that she had sent him

have filled the entire

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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