Is he here to look for Carmen? Cade opened the door and invited Cooper in. “Are you here to pick Carmen up, Mr. Mitchell? My mom’s sick, and Carmen’s talking to her now!” Cade said in a pleasant tone of voice. Cooper was dressed in a black winter jacket that highlighted his long and lean figure. His face was as cold as the weather outside, and his voice as monotonous as ever. “I heard that Annie’s sick, so I’m here to pay her a visit,” he replied as he stepped into the house. Carmen excitedly came over to take a pair of shoes for her grandfather once she realized he had come over. The young girl then brought him upstairs to see Anna.

“Grandpa’s here to see you, Miss Beautiful!” Carmen cried.

It was then that Cade realized the few stalks of roses that Cooper held in the hand that was placed behind his back. Woah, what? Is Cooper actually here to give Mom flowers? He wasn’t tricked by Carmen! He called Mom by her nickname—Annie—when he came in just now. Annie? Annie! Something must be up! Since when did they get so intimate with one another?!

Cade felt like he had to go up and take a look for himself to investigate the situation and check on their progress. But the moment he went up the stairs, he saw Carmen dragging Callum down. When she saw Cade, she spoke to him sternly. “Grandpa is too big-sized, and the house is too squishy. There’s no space for a third person there.”

Wait a minute… Carmen’s words had surprised Cade once again. This young girl is in our house, and she blatantly allowed her grandfather to flirt with my mother, yet she wouldn’t even let us go take a look?! Cade seized this opportunity to get Carmen to follow his orders. “Well, let me carry you; otherwise, I’m going up there,” he uttered.

Carmen gave him an awkward stare before she finally lifted her arms up miserably. “Do it, then,” she muttered before Cade happily lifted her up into the air. The three of them went downstairs, and Callum looked up to glance at Anna’s bedroom on the second floor. It’d be amazing if Anna and Cooper got together, but it’s not going to be easy for them to become a proper couple. Dad isn’t dead yet, after all.

Meanwhile, Anna was the first to speak in her room. “Thank you for coming over, Mr. Mitchell. It’s just an old illness that I have; it’s no big deal.” Anna seemed extremely glad to see Cooper. She sounded rather excited, but her voice was still a little weak as she was feeling sickly.

as he stepped into the room. Although she seemed pale, her eyes were twinkling, and she didn’t seem to be that ill. This made him feel better, but he quickly averted his gaze as he thought that it was rude to stare. “Carmen asked me to come over and visit you,” he explained. With his gaze avoiding hers,

has been giving me roses. Anna’s eyes gleamed with joy as she grinned. “Thank you for the flowers. They’re

turned against her, but he wore a bittersweet smile on his lips as he glanced at the flowers. “As long as


greenhouse. With a flyswatter, Michael smacked Harry as he shouted. Smack! Smack! Smack! “I planted these roses for my lovely wife, and they just f*cking bloomed! My wife hasn’t even had the chance to see it, and you guys have already stolen most of it! Carmen stole some; Celie stole some; even my father-in-law stole some! I can’t believe you’re stealing some too! Do you guys think I’m dead?!” Harry received a good beating from the flyswatter, but he insisted on protecting the roses that he


grow; I had to pluck the weeds, fertilize them, and even pick the bugs out of them! I didn’t even want to put any pesticides as I was too emotionally attached to these flowers! How f*cking good must it be for you

out of their greenhouse with his arms still around the roses as he threatened Michael. “I’m warning you; you can hit me,

flyswatter. “Do you still have ‘face’? I thought you wouldn’t know how to spell the word ‘face’ after your shameless act! Anyway, look at all the terrible films that you’ve been acting in recently. Your average rating on Rotten Tomatoes is probably just 2 out of 5 stars now! You’re really saying yes to every film deal! How many ‘naked loans’ do you have

odd and peculiar films recently. He had really lowered his own standards as an Academy Award-winning actor. It’s fine if he doesn’t take blockbuster films, but how can he appear in those terrible, low-quality web series?! Furthermore, all of them are web series about gay romance! Michael sincerely suspected that the scripts for those films were written by their gaffer, that the makeup was done by their logistics team, that the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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