My Ex-Wife Remarried Me

Chapter 129: He Sat Down Beside Her 

When Amora noticed the drastic change in Kane's expression, she finally stopped munching on her chips.

"What's wrong with you? Are you alright?"

After a while, Kane was in so much pain that he felt his stomach churn.

Standing there with a pale expression, he quipped, "Move over a little."

Amora was dumbfounded.

Looking at him in disbelief, she moved over despite some slight hesitation.

Finally, the moment she made some space, Kane sat down beside her.

When she felt him emitting a mix of frostiness and masculinity, she couldn't help but freeze.

Does he really not mind? Amidst her daze, Kane, who had sat down with his eyes closed, barked impatiently, "Have you not seen enough? Go pour me a glass of water."

Amora was stunned on the spot.

She was amazed at how Kane knew she was looking at him with his eyes still closed.


As her face began to flush red, she quickly put down the chips in her hand and poured a glass of water for Kane.

A few minutes later, soothed by the warm water and the electric heater, Kane's gloomy expression finally eased.

Noticing the change, Amora asked with a slight hesitation, "Why don't you let them sleep through the night.It's already four and almost daylight.Besides, you look exhausted yourself."

razor-sharp gaze shot toward her, sending a

Amora didn't utter

more time with him, she had a better grasp of his

a typical chauvinistic male that refused to admit his

better for her not to criticize him nor decide

help the children change first so that they wouldn't catch

there anything


heard the sudden question, Amora thought she had heard wrongly and immediately looked at

she finally asked, "Wh-what do you want

do!" Kane

great discomfort as he had

discomfort in him was further exacerbated by the freezing cold weather

he didn't feel

at him,

have taken too long, Amora thought about the

was leaning against the sofa with his eyes closed, caught a whiff of

spaghetti.The kids and I had it for dinner.So you will have to make do

spaghetti and

it was leftover, it still looked like it was prepared with

sunny-side up and some herbs sprinkled on top

picked up the fork beside it.Amora

realized this was the first time he ate

they were at Frontier Bay, it was still prepared by both

in essence the first time she

head, Amora fiddled her hair and pretended not to give the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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