My Ex-Wife Remarried Me

Chapter 124: Daddy ls Causing Trouble For Mommy 

"You are a bunch of useless trash!"

After admonishing his bodyguards, he stormed out of his office.Meanwhile, Amora quickly followed behind him.

Kane remarked, "Why are you following me? Didn't I ask you get out?"

Amora retorted, "I didn't hear it.Kane, lets stop quarreling for the time being and find the boys first, alright?"

She decided to relent and began pleading with him with a pitiful expression.

She had no choice as the children were everything to her.

At that moment, she was willing to do anything for them, including apologizing and retracting her earlier words.

Kane glared at her intently and prioritized his sons in the end.

With that, both of them set out together.

Outside, all his nosy staff were dumbfounded.

What just happened? Why did Mr.Ronin leave with the woman? Who is she? Wait a minute, why does she look familiar? The eyes and the pale lips...

"F*ck! Isn't that his...ex-wife?"

Everyone in the president's office was stunned.

Both Matteo and lan did escape.

did not venture far and were still at the airport because they were discussing

think Daddy and Mommy must be having


held onto his glass of warm milk and grudgingly agreed

were abruptly brought from the preschool to the airport while their sister was sent away separately; it was

should we do now? lan was equally frustrated as he had

being together with Daddy? Would he and Vivi leave with Mommy then? lan

think we can allow this to continue.We have

Matteo had thought of the same thing when he voiced his

as he hung his



finally nodded ¡n

explained his plan in

can send us somewhere that Mommy can't find us.In that case, we should let him have a taste of his

looked up immediately and stared

was sensitive enough to notice Matteo had used the word "we" and wasn't just

Matteo assumed that his brother was asking again because he didn't

explained his plan

us, we might as well include Mommy in this.We shouldn't let Daddy find the three of us.No, wait...l mean the four of us, including Vivi.We must let him know what it feels like to not be able to see all of us.What do you

sales counter.A few minutes later, while Amora was sitting inside Kane's car, which was speeding to the airport, she received a message on her read: Ms.Esme, with regards to the four flight tickets

"Ahh'' Amora gasped aloud.

driving heard

you shouting for? Are you sick in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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