My Ex-Wife Remarried Me

Chapter 176: What Came Over Him 

Kane said nothing.But his gaze fell sternly and steadily on her face for the first time in so many years.

When exactly did he start hating her? If he remembered correctly, when he was around the age of ten, the Rory family moved into town out of the blue.

They were originally from the North.

Soon after that, Mr.and Mrs.Rory brought Amora, who was only five years old then, to meet the Ronin.

Young Kane was told that the girl would be his future wife.

At that time, a ten-year-old boy had yet to grasp the meaning of love.

But, on that day, he saw with his own eyes how her parents rejoiced at the arrangement.

The look of pleasure on their faces, and the way the little girl gawked at him...

They filled him with disgust.

He saw the clinging greed in their eyes.

He saw the little girl's idiocy.

He hated them all.

But later, the adults of the Rory family got really close to his father.

They often dropped by for visits with little Amora in tow.

And whenever they came over, they would leave the foolish girl in his company.

"Sebby, would you like an orange?"

Young Amora was actually very gentle, just like Vivian.

Every time she came to visit the Ronin and met the handsome boy who never showed his emotions, she would always offer him her favorite candy.

But Kane had never appreciated her kindness.

like her, so naturally, he did not like everything

it a couple of times

would go away in fear, but

timidly, and from

gum that he could never seem to

had only

her completely was that one time when

then, no one in the Ronin family

confide in any of

afraid that, once his family found out about him, they would take measures to control him or restrict his

his uncle who was living

day, the foolish girl

lose control and strangle the family cat until it took its last

quickly fled the scene to tell

to the hospital by his

beginning of his endless

he was kept in his room

It was not until six years later that his uncle finally managed to persuade

disliked Amora barely scratched the

hatred had occupied the majority of his

not been for her, his uncle might have secretly snuck him abroad to undergo treatment while his

he had to spend six years ina living

All because of her.

enough, a most unbearable fate was waiting

he finally got out of that painful abyss, he still had to marry

Kane stared at the woman in

sword, covered

open right then and see for himself what was inside

he was served

eating the exact same thing for the entirety

turned a blind eye to the fruit until the very last one, which appeared alongside a letter wrapped

And so he ate.

Have something sweet to forget the bitterness

Are you having second thoughts?" Amora

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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