My Ex-wife's Hidden Personalities

Chapter 201 Just a Man 

After some consideration, Freya made an appointment with Radley to review the contract at the West Geft Joint Department tomorrow.

Half an hour later, Freya’s car stopped at the entrance of the Parkers’ house.

After informing security, it didn’t take long for the butler of the Parker Residence to personally greet her.

“Miss Kaufmann, you’ve arrived. Mrs. Parker would have personally invited you here if you hadn’t come by now!”

Freya was a bit surprised. “What’s going on?”

The butler looked bitter. “Ever since Miss Parker returned from Vroria, it’s been over half a month. She locks herself in her room every day, and we have no idea what she’s doing. Mr. Parker, Mrs. Parker, and Old Mr. Parker are all distraught.”

Freya furrowed her brows. “James, I know about this. The main issue is that I haven’t been able to reach Isabella either. Don’t worry, I’ll see her right away. Call me directly if you think the situation gets serious

next time.”

“I said I would call you, but Miss Parker won’t allow it. Her emotions have been especially intense. Mrs. Parker thought you quarreled with her, which caused her to be so angry, so she didn’t intervene for a while.”

James looked troubled. “I can’t believe it’s been over half a month, and Miss Parker still refuses to leave her


Freya’s brows tightened. “Then how is she eating?”

“The maids deliver her meals to her room every day. If she really stops eating, I’m afraid Mrs. Parker and Mr. Parker will have to pull her out of the room, but even though she eats, she doesn’t eat much.”

James had watched Isabella grow up, and his words were filled with sorrow and tears in his eyes.

“Miss Parker has lost a lot of weight lately. You can see it for yourself!”

Under the butler’s guidance, Freya first met with the head of the Parkers, Jonas Parker, and then Isabella’s parents, Emily Duvall and Ron Parker.

Emily held Freya’s hand and asked anxiously, “Frey, did you have a conflict with Isabella?”

“Mrs. Parker, we really haven’t quarreled. Please don’t worry,” Freya reassured.

about Frey, Isabella wouldn’t have acted this way for so long. She used to be terrified of going

and said, “Frey, go check on her. See if something is bothering her


us. Get her to speak about it. I need to know what’s going on! This is really driving me crazy!”

Freya sighed inwardly.

not possibly tell Emily that Isabella became like this because of her brother. The situation

Freya followed the butler to Isabella’s room on the second


but there was complete silence

raised his voice. “Miss Parker, Miss Kaufmann is here to see

inside the room, but it quickly

deeply worried and a little annoyed at Isabella for not taking

turned to the butler and said, “James, you can go do your

still concerned, and reluctantly left. He glanced back a few times while leaving.

the corridor, Freya was left alone. She knocked on the door a little harder this time, but there was still no

voice turned serious and

and now you’re treating me like a stranger? Are

no sound from inside the


you know how worried your parents and grandpa are? If you right now, he might

your grandpa’s clay teapot

mom has been crying, and your dad is sighing too! Even James couldn’t hold back his tears when he mentioned this. Izzy, do you really want to make

no response inside the room, and the stubborn


irritated. “Izzy, can you listen to me? Open the door for me! You know my temperament. If you don’t open the door today, I’ll have James bring a


pregnant now, and if you want me to risk my health, just

inside the room, showing

deal about a guy? If it

Freya was caught off guard and

onto the door frame and looked at Isabella in front of her. She had indeed lost weight, but it was not as

the curtains tightly blocking all light. Freya sighed and walked into the room.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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