Ashlyn got up with a stretch, her stomach rumbling.

She was just about to get out of bed when she heard the bathroom door being pulled open with a clatter.

The man came out with a white towel wrapping around his waist, exposing his eight packs that were shaped like a bar of chocolate.

This man was so perfect that one could find nothing to cavil about, even his body.

“Aren’t you flying today?” She blinked at him wonderingly.

“I’m flying tonight,” Lucas said, ruffling his wet hair with a towel. “Take your time to find a house. There’s no rush to move out.”

Ashlyn regretted lying about finding a house last night.

There was no easy way out now.

She could only nod with a smile. “My husband is still the best.”

her the towel and sat down in front of her. She naturally took it and started drying the man’s

the towel aside and dried his hair with the

wind and the whirring of the hairdryer, like

groaned inwardly once

look like an ordinary

look like we’re about

hairdryer away. “How’s pasta

on his side on the bed and propped up his jaw, staring into the woman’s eyes. “Can I get a pancake,

smiled, bending over to kiss the man’s lips. “You’ll

his arms. “The thought of not being able to eat Mrs. Nolan’s food from

at it than I am.” Ashlyn nudged him and said

Louis, the butler, was all smiles. “The ingredients have been replenished in the

Ashlyn smiled in

many years. He knew the man’s appetite best, and that he was a foodie and a picky eater,

complain that it was either too salty or too sweet; or too spicy

was too troublesome, and Western

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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