The Jaquin and Nolan families had been at odds for a long time. The former started out as a triad and had whitewashed themselves to become a successful enterprise, resulting in the Jaquin Group.

Both families had fought over many matters such as vying over resources, capital, and land.

So, it wasn’t surprising that Blair and Tinsor never got along as classmates.

The Land Rover drove all the way to the Jaquin residence.

Ashlyn got off.

At this point, several cars that had been left in the dust finally caught up with her and dozens of burly men dressed in black got off.

She was still wearing a pair of red slippers she usually wore indoors.

Ashlyn’s subordinate, Anderson could not help but inquire, “Boss, what are you going to do?”

The boss said nothing and sped all the way here from the villa! Something’s got to be up!

“Ah, nothing much. I just thought I’d deliver some punishment to a man who disturbed my sleep,” Ashlyn growled as she glared at the overcast sky.

The grip on her whip tightened.

Then, she strode into the Jaquin Residence.

and could not make

queried, “Hey Harrison, is this Jaquin family full of nutcases or something? How did they offend

looks livid. She hates being woken from her sleep,” Harrison

had worked for Ashlyn the

was married, she had lived in the Nolan family, so they had not

of them were itching

“Where’s Winsor?” Ashlyn demanded.


and Tinsor were the only members of the Jaquin family for

brothers and sisters, but all of them had died young due to illnesses

and Tinsor were

family had a mafia background and would address him respectfully as ‘Master Winsor’

Winsor by his name and inquired,

you’re strict with visitors, huh?” Ashlyn scoffed. “Get your ass there and tell Winsor

security guard asked

the rumors are true then? Lucas really has a wife he hides from the public eye? Aren’t rich ladies supposed to wear branded goods and high heels? Mrs. Nolan is… unique? She’s wearing flip-flops

guard hurriedly dialed the intercom and reported, “Sir, Blair’s sister-in-law

this woman was indeed Mrs. Nolan, so

“You may enter.”

Ashlyn nodded. “Thank you.”

flattered. This rich lady is different from the rest

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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