My Hockey Alpha

Chapter 16: Last Day


It was Monday, which meant that it was finally my last day of my internship. All I had to do was get through the day, and then I could go to the dean and tell her that I still wanted to be reassigned.

Truthfully, I sort of enjoyed sports medicine. I liked Tiffany, too, and was sad that I would be reassigned. But it was the only way to get myself untangled from this mess with everyone. I just hoped that the drama wouldn’t be too bad today after what happened at the party on Friday night.

I made it to my shift around nine in the morning. Tiffany was sitting at her desk, looking at paperwork when I walked into her office.

“Good morning!” she said in her usual chipper voice. “Are you ready for round Chapter 16 Last Day

two of the physicals?”

I nodded, even though I really wanted to scream. Tiffany had already explained to me what would entail during the physicals –we took vitals and performed general health checks during the first round last week, then today we would be putting the hockey players through rigorous physical tests to make sure their hearts, lungs, and muscles were performing properly.

While we walked over to the arena, Tiffany explained to me that she wouldn’t normally put the other sports teams through such in-depth tests; since the hockey team was internationally renowned and would be trying out to compete in the Olympics next year, the president of the school allocated extra funding toward these tests just for the hockey team.

When we arrived at the arena, the team was already there and performing drills. Enzo looked up when he saw Tiffany and I and came over. I blushed, keeping my gaze averted as I felt his cold gaze fix on me. I didn’t know how or when I would address what happened on Friday night — or if I even wanted to bother.

“We’ve got a long day ahead of us,” Tiffany said to Enzo, setting down her medical bag. “Can you start sending the boys to the weight room, two at a time, for their full body exams?”

“Yeah,” Enzo replied. “But you should know we’re one short, so we have an odd number today. Justin couldn’t make it this morning.”

Tiffany frowned. “Why not?”

flickered over to me and glared at me coldly, I knew that he was lying. Was it just that Justin didn’t Chapter 16 Last Day want to see me today, or

said. “I’ll do his

of hours testing the hockey players in pairs. The boys would have to strip down to their underwear so we could put them on a special scale that measured their body composition, then we would hook them up to the ECG machine and have them run on the treadmill to test their heart. Next, we would have them perform different tasks to test their fitness abilities: pull-ups, push-ups, and so on. After that was done,

to see all of the

the end; but instead of being relieved that the tiring day was almost over, I was stressed out because the only person left to test was none

Tiffany and I could see the massive bulge in his underwear. His abs were tight and prominent, and the

at her clipboard. “Get

gulped and walked up to him with my

more lean muscle mass than his teammates. His body fat was less than 10% and his water retention was at a perfect balance. He was almost

measurements, but before I could say anything,

glowing in the same way they did that night we slept

his ECG was far superior than his teammates. While his teammates would eventually tire out after ten or so minutes of sprinting on the treadmill, Enzo went on for so long with little change

ECG monitor thoughtfully. “No one’s heart rate stays the same like that… You two

my worst nightmare came

to the floor and walked to the other side of the room, pretending

saw you kiss Justin on Friday,” Enzo suddenly blurted out. I turned around to see that he was much closer than I had thought; he was standing

as he loomed over me. “He kissed me. He was drunk. I didn’t want him to. Besides, why would it even matter if I

but only for a moment before his eyes flashed red again.

stickers, “Found em!” she said. In the blink of an eye, Enzo was back on the treadmill as though he

compared to his teammates. He aced all of the tests, and

the locker room to get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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