My Hockey Alpha

Chapter 77: The Half-Moon Tournament


The very next afternoon following dropping Nina off at her dorm after the unceremonious dinner at my father’s house, my phone rang; it was my father Rolling my eyes, I picked it up.

“I just left,” I growled, still angry with him for everything he had said at dinner. “What do you want?”

“Hello to you, too,” he said in his usual condescending manner. “You need to come home.”

“Why?” I asked. “You gonna marry me off already?”

“Just Come home, Enzo,” my father said. He sounded almost as though he was holding himself back; as though someone else was there

I let out a sigh, nodding instinctively even though I knew he couldn’t see me “Alright,” I said. “I’ll be there soon”

I was sitting on my couch and processing everything when he called me, so I reluctantly stood once I hung up and got dressed. A little while later, I stood outside my father’s house, my frown deepening as I saw an unfamiliar sports car in the driveway. I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked through the front door.

“That must be him,” I heard my father’s voice say from the dining room as I entered. Furrowing my brow as I wondered who he was talking to and why they needed me here, I approached the dining room.

My eyes widened when I saw who was there

Sitting at the table, aside from my father, were three people the dean, a man I didn’t recognize, and Ronan.

stood and gestured for me to come

is Ronan’s father, Marcus. The Alpha of the Crescent pack.” Marcus, who was a shockingly large and muscular middle-aged man — around my father’s age with tanned skin, jet black hair, and striking blue

the young man who captured and tortured my son,” he said as I shook his hand. I felt my face get hot and I

to glare

my gaze, his eyes flashing momentarily as his voice

say anything,” he said.

that you’re working with some mystery lady to kidnap my friend?” I replied, still using our

to keep it

breaking Ronan’s and my silent conversation. I hesitantly walked over to an open chair next to my father and sat down. “Now that we’re all here,” he continued, clasping his hands on the table, “we can make

what official?” I

half expected there to be another bloody war between our two factions,” Marcus said, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms across his chest. ” But we all know that it’s not the old ages anymore. We can’t just go killing each other with wild abandon, especially now that there are far more

a point of contention for over a hundred years. Since it’s right on the border between the werewolf realm and the human realm, having roots there would put one at a great advantage ” He paused, clearing his throat. “Our grandfathers fought tooth and nail to decide who could lay claim over the town, but we believe so much bloodshed is unnecessary… which is why I proposed

silently across from me with his eyes fixed on mine “A hockey tournament to decide which faction gets to run the

decide things this way, don’t you think?” he said. “Not only will it not raise any red flags for the human residents of Mountainview, it will also allow us to decide

A hockey tournament to decide the fate of the town? I stammered to come up with a response, but before I could,

do have the safety of my students to worry about,” she said. “As a hybrid and the granddaughter of the school’s founder, it’s my duty to watch over the

meeting between a bunch of CEOS, not werewolves whose factions hated each other with a burning

will start exactly two weeks from now Teams that are evenly split between the Crescents and the Fullmoons will compete in the tournament Each team will be primarily human, with a werewolf captain, and at the end of the tournament, the captains of all of the remaining teams one team comprised entirely from the Crescent faction and the other from the Fullmoon faction will play head-to- head to decide which faction will

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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