My Hockey Alpha

Chapter 124 Like Father, Like Son


Out of nowhere, Enzo kissed me.

He kissed me hard and fast, and it was over as quickly as it began. I continued to crouch in front of him, blinking dazedly as I processed what just happened.

His hands, which he’d cupped on either side of my cheeks, dropped down to his side. He stood suddenly, pacing away from me as though he needed to get distance between us, and when I stood as well, I noticed that his eyes were red again.

“That scent,” he said, pointing his finger at me and burying his nose in his jersey. “I don’t know how you’re doing that, but you have to stop. I can’t control myself when you do it, and it’s only gonna hurt both of us even more.”

“Enzo…” I took a step toward him as my eyes began to fill with tears. “Why won’t you just let me in? Is all of this really because of a scarf? I know how you really feel about me–”

Enzo shook his head and backed away even more.

“Get out,” he said.

I furrowed my brow, both confused and hurt by his sudden order. “Why?”

“Just get out,” he demanded again. “I’m not allowed to get involved with you like this anymore, and clearly I can’t control myself around you… So please, just go. Be with Justin. Be with anyone except me.”

I took a step backwards, shaking my head. What did he mean about not being allowed to get involved with me anymore? Nothing was stopping him except for that stupid scarf. Time and time again, we had played this back and forth game. And now, I had experienced his scent, and he was clearly attracted to mine. Why, then, did we have to do this? Why couldn’t we just be together?

Before I could say anything, however, the rest of the team suddenly filed in. When they saw how Enzo and I were looking at each other, they all fell silent and stood by the door.

“Should we leave?” Matt asked.

another look at him, I shook my head and turned on my heel. “No,” I muttered, keeping my head down so as to hide the tears in my eyes

of the locker room into the arena, which was mostly empty now aside from a few students still filing out, some cleaners, and the food vendors closing

before I

wall, dressed in his usual suit and tie, with his arms folded across his chest. As he

away from my son. I know that your mother is a Crescent

rumbled inside my head, vibrating against my skull and giving me an

I opened my eyes, he was already

threatening me to keep me away from Enzo? Did that have something to do with

unease in my stomach. I briskly walked out of the arena and slipped my phone out of my pocket as I headed

said when

she said, sounding a little surprised.

a sigh of relief. Thankfully, nothing had happened to her yet. “Yeah,”

before answering. “We’re fine. Actually… I was just about to call

as my building came into view and glanced over my shoulder, still feeling

have next week off of school, right? Would you like to come with us? We’ll be leaving in a couple of

of relief. It was unexpected, but the thought of spending some

a week,”

before walking inside. Now that I was safely inside with the bright amber lights of the common room enveloping me, I suddenly didn’t feel so afraid. “Um… You know

said. “Make sure you pack enough for the week. I’ll buy you a train ticket to come down to

called her a Crescent traitor. I


you buy a ticket for tonight? I can leave

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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