My Hockey Alpha

Chapter 189 The Diner Waitress


The way that that girl stared back at me almost seemed to awaken something in me. It was as though we knew each other somehow, as though we knew each other really well. In a strange way, I felt incredibly sad looking at her. It seemed as if she felt the same way, too. But what was even more odd was that she somehow looked almost exactly like Selena, as though she was Selena’s twin.

“Baby?” Selena said, causing me to tear my eyes away from the girl. “What are you doing?”

I quickly turned back to face the hockey game, shaking my head. “Nothing,” I said. “Just thought I saw someone I recognized.”

Selena laughed. “That’s silly,” she replied, squeezing my arm. “You’ve never been here before.”

“I know.”

At least, I thought I knew. But even as the game ended and we headed out to have a drink at the local bar, I still couldn’t stop feeling as though all of this was oddly familiar to me. In fact, the longer I thought this way, the more I began to realize that I did know this town, and I did know that girl. Her name was…

But I couldn’t remember her name. Maybe I was just seeing things after all.

Selena and I made our way to the local bar. The town seemed quiet and cozy, which I enjoyed. It was one of those towns where everyone went to the local bar after dark, and everyone seemed to know each other. Maybe, I thought to myself, that was why that girl looked at me in such a strange way. Maybe she was just trying to figure out who these two strange students were, coming into her close-knit town.

with students and townspeople. I glanced around while Selena led me over to the bar to order our drinks; my eyes eventually landed on a table in the

seat. Was he her boyfriend? For some odd reason, thinking about their kiss

our lips together tightly, pushing her tongue into my mouth almost too roughly. When we pulled away, there was a look in her

girl in the corner, I realized now that I

dorm on campus. I still found it odd that she wanted to stay there instead of a hotel or something, but I decided not to question it. If this made my fiancee happy, then I didn’t

all of this strangeness going on in my mind, and would have much preferred to sleep

me to wake with a jolt.

my eyes and sat up, yawning. Before I could ask her to give me a few minutes to wake up fully, Selena was already jumping out of the bed and getting dressed. Without

cafe around here,” she said, tugging me along by my hand as we made our way across the campus

said, although I

in town were boarded up, which solidified my theory that the Crescents must have had something to do with the state of the town. But the people here seemed to have bounced back relatively well, which made me oddly more

while I got us coffee and something to eat; she had never been much of a morning person, so I bought her a sweet pastry

however, my eyes suddenly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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