My Love, Enlighten me

Chapter 148 Sleeping in Separate Rooms

Gloria and Leon bought a lot of things in the supermarket.

Half of them were snacks selected by Leon.

In his words, it was about to have a winter vacation, and he should enjoy his vacation.

When paying, Gloria just took out her wallet but was refused by Leon: "Women shouldn’t pay when shopping with the men. I'll pay!"

Gloria: "..."

When he used to live in her rental room, all were paid by her. Did he forget that he was a man at that time?

Leon's money was from helping people do homework and play games. It was also very hard. Naturally, Gloria didn't want to spend his money, but he insisted.

The young man of adolescence was as thin as a monkey, but he had a lot of strength. He stopped Gloria and paid by himself.

Gloria had to give up. Anyway ,it was just several hundreds. She can buy some things for Leon someday.

At night.

After Gloria put the prepared food to the dining table, she saw that Kenny walked into the dining room from the outside with an unhappy face.

"What's the matter?" she asked

"My uncle said that he would have a dinner party in Jinding tomorrow evening, and let my cousin take you to there." Leon ran out, and answered the question of Gloria directly.

Gloria looks at Leon in disbelief and asks Kenny, "what dinner party?"

Kenny did not speak, and sat down at the table.

"You don't want to go?" The expression of Kenny has fully expressed his will.

Leon approached her ear and whispered, "cousin doesn't want to see uncle."

Leon and his father Randy didn’t get along well. Gloria can think of some reasons.

was about Kenny's mother.

in this, Gloria didn't quite understand.

room, Kenny was

do not want to, then you could refuse. He can not force

Gloria so that

when he bent down, he held

Gloria was speechless and stared at him:

been untied for me, and the clothes won't be taken off for

Gloria pushed him away: "You think too much!"

your clothes for you." Kenny said, and his long finger

wore one shirt. From the collar of her shirt, Kenny unbutton her shirt

and one can match him when they stayed

Saturday night.

of make-up artists, stylists, clothing

A little later, it was a row

you to

"Master Clarke."

that no one would send these things to her except Kenny, she was still a

night, she asked Kenny whether he wanted to go to the dinner party, but he didn't answer. She thought he didn't want to go, so she didn't pay attention to the dinner party any more. Now he asked

Gloria was totally unprepared.

madam, time is running out. Do you think we should try on the dress now?" The

"No. Wait a moment."

out mobile

mobile phone, Kenny had already

the phone, but she

was silent for a moment, and then said,"did you try

held the cell phone with one hand and picked her fingernails carelessly with another hand. Her tone sounded a bit cold.

Naturally, Kenny knew her unwillingness.

said, "Then I beg you this time. When you go to a dinner party with me, I can allow you a

stopped and asked,"be serious?"

"Yes." Kenny

lips, and said: "then

rejected her

knew this man wouldn't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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