My Love, Enlighten me

Chapter 183 I can make this place mine tommorw if I want to.

How could Gloria please Kenny within three seconds?

It was just a matter of breathing in and out.

And why should she please him? She just asked him several questions about Carl Cook!

“Time’s up.” She did not think of a single method before Kenny spoke again.

Kenny reached to her, lifted her chin, and kissed her on the lips.

It lasted almost half a minute, and then Kenny sat back.

“That’s how you do it. You got it?” He looked at her wandering eyes and said.

Gasping still, Gloria nodded.

Kenny did was pleased, so he patted her head like a reward and told her.

“Stay in the car.” Then he got off.

“Where are you going?” Gloria rolled down the window and asked.

“To Mayo Taylor.” Kenny answered and then walked to her company.

and stared at his back.

pick her up and to help her with the resignation as

many was looking at Kenny, because he now was known for the only heir to the

But he ignored all the attentions and went

the new receptionist was going to stop him but was dragged by her colleague.

Let him go.”


Inside Mayo’s office, he was reading documents and

frowned and raised his head.

his pen and stood up.

” Kenny glanced at the documents on his desk and said. “Still working, huh?”

eyes as he

seconds, he moved away his sight, because Kenny’s eyes were wild and cold like

a little shiver and sat up straight

was a kid. But it seems like after all those years, ages have

of Mayo but still towered over him.

fun of me, Mr.

how you try to control Gloria

got his whole body tensed up. He knew that was his purpose, but

you had a deal with the Clarkes and left the county, they expected your death there, but you made it back, didn’t you? You should

about. Gloria did marry to you, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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