My love never ends

Chapter 86 Documents

Someone left the meeting room not long ago and left all the partners behind. He didn't know how much he had lost, but he had to go back and give an explanation.

The most important thing was that he didn't want Lily to see the care and worry in his eyes!

After Kevin left, Lily felt more uncomfortable. After playing with her mobile phone for a while, she felt sleepy, then she fell asleep on the bed.

She was still sleeping deeply when the night fell.

"Madam, it's time for dinner." The servant walked to her side gingerly and asked, "do you want to go downstairs for dinner or stay in your room?"

With the baby in her womb, she became drowsy and also easy to be hungry.

"Downstairs." Lily opened her eyes and sighed. Then she left the room slowly. As soon as she sat down at the table, her cell phone rang.

She picked up the phone and saw it was Bob.

At the thought of the man who disappeared unexpectedly when her father was interrogating, Lily couldn't help sneering and hung up the phone.

However, he kept calling her.

"Mr. Wang, do you think the disappeared is interesting? Hehe. " Lily said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, Lily. But I'm missing for some reason. I was kidnapped..." Bob told her briefly about the kidnap, the hurt he had suffered and how he had returned to home. His tone sounded very aggrieved.

She listened to the explanation and complaining of Bob on the phone and sighed. There must be someone did that. That man didn't want to see her father come out.

It turned out that Bob was involved in an undeserved catastrophe.

want to ask

I know my sudden disappearance has brought you a lot of trouble. To make it up, after I was released, I sorted out my documents. I have found some important clues these days, so I want to ask you out to meet me." Bob said what he thought in a hurry.

and was about

told her how hard he had been collecting

and place, and he hung up the phone in a hurry, afraid that she would go back on

a while and then she called

Jonny. What's the progress of my father's

follow the progress of the case personally, she can't

to ask you out after organizing it." A

would be great. How about we make

at the other side accepted her request immediately, and Lily sent him the place and time that she had agreed on with Bob before.

very likely that her father could be saved. She made appointment with two lawyers at the same time, hoping that the two lawyers would know each other and cooperate to save her father.

the next day. After resting for an afternoon, she felt that the discomfort had passed and her father's case was more urgent, so

temperature again and found out it returned to the normal temperature. They were relieved.

these days. Otherwise, you might get infected with virus outside." The man ordered.

him and

the same bed in the past few days. She moved to the corner consciously, closed

he sighed helplessly and lay

just left, Lily suddenly opened

the Cafe, Bob had already arrived. The man's head

little guilty because she didn't expect Bob was

an apologetic smile on his face, Bob took out his briefcase and a pile of documents to

Bob, Lily carefully

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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