My love never ends

Chapter 138 A Pool Of Dried Blood

The man on the other end of the phone stopped writing.

After a few seconds, he asked, "what?"

There was only one word on the phone, which sounded extremely cold in Baron's ears.

He waited for Kevin's next instruction, but there was no sound at the other end of the line. A few seconds later, he suddenly came to his senses and quickly replied, "yes, Mr. Qin. I'll send someone to investigate."

Baron broke out in a cold sweat and almost forgot what he should do.

"Okay." Kevin replied on the phone again.

After hanging up the phone, Baron wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and went back to the hospital.

He walked into the blood drawing room slowly. When he saw what was happening inside, the man's eyes widened unconsciously.

A large pieces of glass splashed on the ground, and the pungent smell of alcohol mixed with a trace of blood. A woman with disheveled hair fainted on the ground. There was a pool of dried blood on the bed beside, and many medical tools had unpacked.

In order to prevent himself from being choked by the alcohol, Baron covered his mouth and nose, walked to the woman's side and dragged her out. Her body was also covered with alcohol, and Baron shouted around while holding her out of the ward.

The doctors and nurses who heard the shouted and rushed over together. When they saw the two who were disheveled and reeked of alcohol, everyone began to talk and whisper.

"Ah, the smell of alcohol is so strong. Did they drink a lot?" A young nurse said, rubbing her nose.

"Isn't this woman recruited by the hospital yesterday? Why did she faint here? " A male nurse turned her around, revealing the face of the woman on the ground.

"Yes, definitely it's her!"

as he spoke out, a

of the chaos made by this two

are you doing?" An angry voice came from the crowd, and a middle-aged man walked out of it.

an incomparably strange scene appeared. The

didn't dare to speak. People who had gone to see what happened

this time, a short nurse squeezed out of the crowd and ran to the middle-aged man in a hurry. "Dean, this doctor who fainted in the blood drawing

nurse said in a low voice,

doctor to the ward for treatment.

could be seen that they all afraid of the

up and looked at the dignified Dean expressionlessly.

assistant?" The Dean suddenly said, looking at the young man in

couldn't recognize the person in front of him.

looked at him coldly. After a pause, he continued, "but you are

reached out his hand and said seriously, "Nice to meet you, I'm

that all the talents and elites in

kind of person who has no interest relationship with businessman

He patted Baron on the shoulder

not an enemy, and would not

time to see if there was this person and the person who invited him." He ordered

out immediately. One of them

turned to another man and said, "go to see where she has

followed the order. Baron shook his head and sighed. He strode to

sitting on a chair, he looked like a piece of

of them was on the edge of out of rage.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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