My love never ends

Chapter 185 Pure Friendship

After everyone was gone, Mr. Yao turned around and asked, "are you okay! ?"

As he spoke, he took off his clothes and put them on her.

"I'm fine." She didn't refuse such an intimate behavior.

Kevin, who had just come downstairs, looked around and saw the corner where the two of them were.

He had never done such an intimate behavior, and this woman had no intention of refusing that Mr. Yao at all.

When he saw this, he was burning with anger.

He clenched his fists and muttered to himself, "Yao Jewelry Group? !"

He was supposed to start the speech, but he was not in the mood at all. He turned around and went back to his room.

On the other side, Mr. Yao kept asking her questions, just like asking her if she was okay.

Seeing that her answer was positive, he stopped asking.

There was a moment of silence behind. Seeing the calm look of Lily, Mr. Yao felt very unconfident. He kept recalling if he had said something wrong just now?!

"You look so wet. Why don't you go back and change your clothes?" Suddenly, Mr. Yao suggested.

She nodded, "Okay, let's go."

In fact, she had wanted to go back just now, but she couldn't find Kevin in the crowd after searching for a long time.

her. If she suddenly left without saying

crowd for a long time, she still couldn't find that person. Moreover, it was supposed to be the time for the opening speech, but he was still nowhere

first and tell him on the


out of the shadow not far from Lily.

and the smile at the corners

plain clothes came over and

her, the man next to her won't let it go. And the

many wonderful scenes prepared for

it was the woman who had just walked over to pour water on her clothes. Now

no fear in her eyes, but a ruthless

Maybe we

the shadow stopped her strange expression and walked out as if

on the road for a long time, they arrived at the downstairs

"Mr. Yao,

He was already doubting her ability, but she knew

had been depressed all the

I came here as soon as I got off the plane. Would you like to have dinner

she was not in the

still friends. Just thinking of this scene, she felt that she

this time not because I heard the problems about the company, but because I knew that you were kidnapped. I just want to come back to see

company's performance fell to a low point because of you, I won't blame you. After all, I believe

should have, and his words and behaviors were emitting the aura of a scholar. He was not like a sly

voice echoed in her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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