My love never ends

Chapter 219 Falling Into The Water

Not knowing Drew, Lois looked at him up and down, only to find that this man was handsome and charming. Depend on the materials of his suit, he must be from an extraordinary family, which made her even more jealous.

Why are all the men around Lily so excellent?

'Lily! What a shameless woman! You have already had a new boyfriend, but you still cling to Kevin all day long. I would let you win easily.'

Ignoring Drew, she said to Lily angrily, "didn't you hear what I said? Or you don't dare to go out with me? "

"Why can't I?" Taking the napkin, Lily wiped her mouth gracefully and said to Drew, "I have something to deal with outside. I'll come back to you later."

Drew frowned and looked at the backs of the two people. He felt that Lois looked a little familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere, but he could not remember.

The two of them came to the deck. Since the banquet had begun, there were not many people on the deck.

As the sea breeze blew, the cruise ship stopped in the sea. The wind was a little strong, and the two people's dresses flew in the air.

The moonlight tonight was very beautiful. The silver light poured on the deck and blended with the white light from the ship. Not far away from the sea, the moonlight reflected by the water texture seemed to be covered with a thin layer of frost.

Lily rubbed her arms and looked at Lois indifferently, "why did you ask me out? What's the matter?"

Lois narrowed her eyes and looked at her coldly, "Lily, shame on you! You and Kevin have divorced a long time ago. Why do you still cling to him? "

Hearing this, a mocking smile immediately appeared at the corners of Lily's mouth. "Who on earth is pestering whom? If you ask me out just for such a boring thing, please forgive me for not accompanying you."

to leave, but her arm was suddenly clasped

Lois, shaking off her hand hard. "Since you still love Kevin, then you should try to stay with him and win his heart, instead of making trouble for me

banquet last time. Why don't you remember?" "Even if I can't be with Kevin, he won't be with you. His fiancee is the daughter of the

a cold glance at her,

angry that her face turned pale. She could not help

sudden, someone bumped into Lily. Before she could figure out who it was, she and Lois were knocked into the

They struggled in the

people on the deck saw it, they

into the

ran out. They stood on the deck and watched, but no one jumped down to save

out of the hall. When Lois saw him in panic, she immediately shouted with all

voice faded and her body

quickly took off his suit and jumped into the

same time and swam in the direction

she almost lose consciousness. Seeing that she was rescued, she exerted all her strength to grab Kevin.

life-saving ring with ropes, and the lifeguard on

someone talking, "it seems that

to be Lily, right? She came with

Ling? Not

a gloomy face, he looked up at the sea and saw Drew held

suddenly froze, and his feet seemed to be nailed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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