My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 159 Tianye' s tactics (3)

"Where is your boss Changrui?"

"I heard that he was fired by Tianye and didn't hold any position in the company."

Kerry sneered, Tianye was really an indifferently man. Others took care of the company for him, as soon as he came back, he drove people away.

The vice president saw that Kerry didn't speak, and asked carefully, "Mr. Ye, what should we do now?"

Kerry raised his eyebrows, "Of course we endeavor to make our bid perfect, so that the they can't pick out any flaws. The emergence of a strong rival is also a good thing for us, and besides, we don't know the result yet, so what? You want to submit before the war even starts?"

"Of course not." The vice president smiled and thought in his mind, "You treat your wife so nice, what if you want to take this land to please her? It was better to ask more.

After walking out of the conference room, all the executives had left, Venus was still very excited, Kerry asked very unhappily, "Are you very happy now?"

Venus said directly, "Yes, I am happy, the Mu family's company is back in my brother's hands, why shouldn't I be happy?"

Kerry stared at her face and snorted, then returning to the CEO's office.

He had an intuition that after cleaning up Changrui's family, Tianye would come to find himself.

After dinner, Venus felt that she had eaten too much so she took a walk in the garden to consume food, her appetite was exceptionally good these days.

Before taking a few steps, she heard the familiar sound of footsteps behind her and lamented in her heart, couldn't she be left alone for a while?

improved a lot these days, you actually eat two bowls of rice at night." Kerry chatted with her.

"I will eat more when i feel happy."

to hear, but he still asked her. And ever since he realized that he liked her, he had only tolerated any of her actions and couldn't

also realized that. So she talked whatever she liked

Venus felt very relieved every time when she saw Kerry’s doting face.



reading a book while fishing by

Kerry's voice was cool and his eyes moved

have a talk." Tianye

Kerry answered, "Where?"

"See you an hour later at the In


looked gloomy, did Tianye want to solve the problem by violence. Whatever he did,

time, he couldn’t bring Venus with him.

Young Miss?" Kerry asked as he approached the villa and told him to prepare

said gently, "Young Miss is learning cooking

at Venus and then said to John, "I'll be out for

"Yes, Young Master."

gym was located in the center of town, and it would take at least forty minutes to get there from the villa without traffic jams.

into the traffic, another black Cayenne with the same license plate turned a corner and slowly drove onto the road leading to the villa.

the gate to let the car in, and muttering in his heart, the boss must

into the garage, and when it was parked, a man came down from above,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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