My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 160 Honey trap, I gotta go (2)

"That’s because I'm in love with you." Kerry Ye said and her eyes were filled with love.

As if stung by a bee, Venus Mu recoiled backwards, looking at him in horror, "Kerry, are you crazy?"

"You're right. I'm crazy. If I wasn't crazy how could I love you?" Kerry became a little agitated.

"Kerry ...... do you know what you're talking about? You'd better calm down before talking to me." Venus said and wanted to get up from the sofa but she was pressed tightly by Kerry.

"Venus, I'm very calm right now and I know what I'm talking about." Kerry paused and continued, "I don't want you to leave me, not just because you are my wife, but because I love you."

The first time Kerry said such straightforward words to a woman. Her heart was in her throat. He said it with difficulty but he had to speak out.

Venus felt confused, "Kerry ...... Don't you think it's ridiculous for you to say you love me? Shouldn't you be in love with Xinyou Qiao? How could you fall in love with me?"

It was a complete accident for me and Xinyou. I just had a little crush on her, but I didn't love her." Kerry clarified for himself.

If there hadn't been that hotel accident, he would never have liked a woman like Xinyou so there wouldn't have been all sorts of misunderstandings and harm later on. There was no use in regretting it now.

"Aren't you ashamed to say these things?"

"Venus, what can I do to make you forgive me?" Kerry never expected that he, as the CEO of Yehuang Group, would have to kneel down in front of a woman to beg her forgiveness.

unexpected that he fell in love

told you that I won't forgive you, no matter what."

breath and said, "All right. You do not have to forgive me but can you stay? Just like now, you do what you like. You can do whatever

as if his eyes were magical, she was

air was almost frozen.

long time, but Venus didn't even nod her head or shake her head to say no. Did this mean he still had a chance?


the security of the Ye family villa had become even stricter. With every incoming and outgoing vehicle being carefully checked, the windows

appearance of Kerry, John the Butler strictly ordered everyone present not to divulge a

a.m. today. Kerry would be in presence and Mu's Group would send

"No one can go in my office when I’m

"Yes, Master."

He was followed by his newly hired manager team who looked very impressive. They walked towards him, which

looking down at him. "Tianye, I didn't

"Yeah, I didn't think of that either." Tianye was

bring in all his pictures over the past year. And he had clearly blue pupils. Why he had purple pupils that day? And Venus didn't

to win this piece of land today. I advise you Mu family to focus on your own

walked alongside him with a cocky tone, "Because you Yehuang Group participated in the bidding. I'm just here to play. It doesn't matter if we lose, in case we win, it's fine

was the first time he has

day. The door of the conference room "popped" opened. Kerry with a gloomy face leading out, the company's vice president and a few senior executives were following behind and they seemed be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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