My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 168 You Can't Die (3)

He didn’t dare to let Venus Mu go into the noodle shop because he was afraid that she would order a bowl of Zajiang noodles, which was Tianye Mu’ s favorite. She would collapse.

Venus didn’t seem to think that much and chose a Maocai Restaurant (a kind of hot pot) that looked clean.

“Venus?” A familiar voice was sounded behind her, and Venus looked back, only to see a senior brother that she had met a few months ago.


He was still with a girl. When he saw Kerry Ye, he froze for a moment.

“You…you’re pregnant? Congratulations! This is my girlfriend and we’re planning to get married at the end of the year.” He said so, with no much happiness.


Kerry didn’t recognize the man in front of him was the one who helped Kevin, so he just nodded at him and asked Venus in a low voice, “Is it okay if I order this?”

“Whatever.” Venus said indifferently.

Kerry then placed his suit on the stool and helped Venus sit down.

What he was doing really shocked the man. Since the last time they met, he had checked on Venus’s husband, but he did not expect it to be the CEO of Yehuang Group. Rumors said that he was a very autocratic leader, who was cold, but now he was accompanying Venus to eat in this small shop, which really made the senior brother unable to believe.

And his girlfriend was even more jealous. She immediately noticed that Kerry’ s suit was a luxury, at least 20,000 yuan, and he used such expensive clothes as a cushion for his wife.

we all know each other, why don’t we sit down

Venus smiled at him for his help of last

for a long time. He had almost forgotten what her smile looked like. Today, he

seemed that Dr. Yan was right. She needed to

row, with Venus’s senior brother

how’ s your friend then?” He tried to find some topics.

Thank you.”

welcome, it’s not a problem.” He answered.

one who had given her Dr. Hua’s phone number, so he changed a better attitude towards him.

much. Thank you for saving my brother’s hand.” Kerry thanked

be polite, “No, no, it’s not a big deal. I just gave you a phone call. By the way, why

a look, so here we are. What about you guys?” Kerry was skilled

a liar.

has never been to our school, so I want to show her around. I didn’t expect to run into you guys,

it’s quite a coincidence.”

fixing her eyes on him instead of looking

Kerry? He was already used to this

she didn’t want to put up with the neglect and tugged on her boyfriend’s elbow with a gentle smile, “Why

and it’s also the first time for him to meet Kerry, so they actually weren’t friends. But he didn’t want to make his girlfriend disappoint, “This is my senior sister, Venus, and

the name, staring at Kerry, asking in surprise, “Kerry? Is that Kerry from Yehuang Group?”

eyes on Venus the whole time, and didn’t receive any admiration from her. Then he helped Venus to prepare

seeing that Kerry didn’t answer, he had to explained, “Is there another person named Kerry in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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