My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 169 The Secret Man in Black (2)

Changrui Mu didn’t know where he had misspoken, so he stood up from his chair and said with caution, “Mr. Ye, are you…”

Kerry Ye snorted and looked at him with disdain, “Changrui, do you think that because I have a personal grudge against Tianye Mu that I will help you take over the company? You underestimate me. Changrui, I, Kerry, hate people so much like you who are ungrateful and greedy. If you want Mu family’s property, then go get it by yourself. I won’t help you. Get lost, I don’t want to see you anymore.”

After being stunned for a few seconds, a treacherous smile appeared on his face, “Kerry, don’t regret. Though you rejected me, there are still a lot of people who want to work with me. I don’t believe that no one will be interest in such profits.”

“Then have a try.”

“Fine, we’ll see.” Changrui turned around in a huff and walked away.

Staring at the closed door, Kerry thought to himself that if Venus was in a better mood, he could give Mu family’s company to her, but now, how could she care about the money when she could even give up her child?

Just let Changrui go. Anyway, he could get the company back whenever he wanted.

Ye family’s villa

Dr. Yan’s consultation didn’t go well, for Venus held a very negative attitude towards any question she asked. Venus might be the most tough patient that Dr. Yan had encountered, for she refused to recover from her bottom of her heart. She wanted death instead of nothing else.

The patients she had met were all longing for rebirth, but Venus was different.

No matter how good Dr. Yan’s medical skills were, she couldn’t heal a person whose heart was dead.

“Doctor Yan, how is our young lady?” John asked with worry.

Dr. Yan looked up at the balcony on the second floor and said regretfully, “John, tell Mr. Ye that there’s nothing I can do. Let him find another person.”

“This, Dr. Yan…” John didn’t expect Venus’s condition to be so serious, “Dr. Yan, what else can you do? “

She shook her head, “I’m sorry, maybe I’m not good enough. I tried my best. I’m sorry, goodbye.”

John sent her off, sighing inwardly. What else could he do?

time after hearing John’ s words

Did he have to let her go? At least she

night, the new maid was sleeping soundly on the sofa, but Venus couldn’t fall asleep with

like the maid, falling asleep as soon as she touched her pillow, without thinking anything, but she couldn’t. As soon as she closed her eyes, she would recall the images of her parents’ death and her brother

kept her eyes open. Didn’t pregnant women need a lot of sleep? why was it so

she’d love to take a

Outside, the wind whistled.

to close her eyes

was too shocked to see this, maybe it was because of Xiaozi. One more thing, she subconsciously felt that this person

man in black carefully observed the surroundings and walked into

Kerry, for he wouldn’t be so careful if he came in.

up to, Venus squinted her eyes

walked to the maid and plugged a handkerchief on her nose, and soon, the maid was snoring even louder. Then, from her squinting eyes,Venus saw the man in black walking

Venus opened her eyes and looked at him.

a few seconds, he asked her in a husky voice, “Aren’t you afraid?” An ordinary person would have already yelled and screamed, and he was ready to cover

there any need to be afraid of? I’ve been thinking about how to die lately and if you can

deep voice, “I’m not here to kill you.

her eyebrows and couldn’t help but laugh, “Take me away? I don’t even know who you are. Why should I go with

am. It’s my


The man paused for a few seconds and said, “Tianye.”

hope reappearing in her eyes, “My brother?”

although something happened to him, he gave us a task that we must complete.” The man said in a

world who was

will take you out of here.” The man

lifted the blanket to get out of the

stupid? How could she so easily believe him? What if it’s

me out?” Venus’s legs went back into

The man then looked outside the balcony. He was not coming alone and there was someone outside waiting for him. If he couldn’t take Venus out, Ye family’s bodyguards will notice them, “Miss Mu, please believe

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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