My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 182 Spy on that woman (1)

After crying for a few minutes, the fear inside all vented out. Venus Mu gradually calmed down and also came out of Kerry Ye’ s arms, wiping her tears and sobbing.

Kerry got up and took some tissues from the table, “Fine, everything is fine now. Can you still get up by yourself?”

Venus stretched on the ground to have a try, but her legs were numb, and all of a sudden, she sat down on the ground again. She was about to say that she couldn’t make it, when her whole body was suddenly lifted.

She was light, like a white feather.

This was the first impression that emerged in Kerry’ s mind, but then he felt that the smell of her body was so familiar.

Venus was gently placed on the sofa, and when she saw Kerry’s purple eyes, she felt the need to be suspicious.

“Kerry… your eyes… and, how did you get in?”

Kerry looked deeply at her and said softly, “I’ll explain this to you later, but for now, let’s settle the matter at hand.”

Kerry poured her a cup of warm water. The two criminals didn’t wake up yet.

“What just happened?”

Venus drank some water, feeling herself calming down, and briefly retold what had just happened.

The more Kerry listened, the sullener his face became. Fortunately, he came out of the bathroom at that time, if he was still in the shower, he would definitely not be able to receive this call, while Yan Chu would be raped by these two bastards.

He called Henry with anger in his voice, “Where are the two bodyguards you sent to protect Yan Chu? Where the hell are they? Get your ass over to her apartment immediately.”

Venus’s eyes widened in surprise when she heard his words, “You sent someone to protect me?”

Kerry looked down at her and admitted, “Yes, you said you didn’t need it last time, but this is my territory after all, one more person, one more safety, but I didn’t expect this to still happen.”

Looking at him, she was unable to tell if he was protecting her or spying on her.

frankly, “You don’t have to look at me like that. I don’t have to

you.” Venus

that your father

Venus cried, “I

don’t cry. Their purpose should be for

Unexpectedly, Venus shook her head and said, “No, I don’t think they simply want

Kerry was startled, “Why do

let them leave with the money and I won’t call the police. He later agreed, but it just so happened that the person who took the money came back, who was not happy with the

by mistake, but by premeditation?” “Yes.” Venus nodded very

Henry’s call came. “Young master, our men have been knocked out.”

come over.” Kerry hung up the phone and said to Venus, “You are right. It was premeditated by someone and the bodyguard I sent to

in this city, let alone hold a grudge against someone. Who on earth is

revealed a hint of ruthlessness, “No matter who it is, I will

Venus. If someone wanted to hurt her, Kerry wouldn’t tolerate it. Even if she was not Venus, then she was still his friend, his

The temperature on his hand was felt by Venus, dissipating

her nod, he got up and walked towards one of the guys, picking him up by the collar and

pouring down on him, Venus

Kerry dragged him back out and threw him next to another man who apparently knew who Kerry was, but he lowered

why?” Kerry was condescending and asked him in a cold voice.

whispered, “She’s alone and I guess she’

hard in his belly and the man grunted.

can’t hear

much louder, “We’ve been watching her for a few days. Seeing as she’s all


her stop on this floor, and when she left, we went right up to this floor to wait for her

no wonder she’d thought someone was following her at first, but she thought she was

money and leave, why did you stay?” Kerry gritted his teeth, as if

who had fallen to the ground and said, stammering, “He’s a

over him with a cold stare and said slowly, “I want

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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