My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 191 It' s condescending of you to stay here tonight (1)

Xuan Chu giggled inwardly. No wonder with a computer, it seemed to have been planned.

However, for work, Xuan Chu had always been taken it seriously. Therefore, he had no choice but to give up taking shots at Kerry Ye.

It’s still early, so both of them turned on the computer, with one sitting on the bed, one sitting on the sofa. The hospital room had turned into an office.

Venus Mu thought this was good.

She was really worried that the two would bump into each other and have a fight, but she didn’t expect them to be so harmonious. Since there was nothing more for her to do, Venus lay on the bed next to Xuan Chu, making sure that Kerry couldn’t see her phone screen, and then began to browse her phone.

She was supposed to go through some gossip news, but she subconsciously opened her child’s pictures and then gazed at them.

Kerry and Xuan Chu were both workaholics, keeping discussing about the paper and exchanging their opinions. It was quite harmonious.

“Yan, could you please help me a glass of water?” Xuan Chu was a little thirsty, with his eyes fixed on the screen and said casually.

But Venus’s mind was all on the photos, and she didn’t hear what he said at all.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Venus was still sitting there, he said again, “Yan, please give me a glass of water.”

This time, even Kerry looked up, but Venus still didn’t hear it at all. Kerry was a little curious, what was she looking at?

“Yan,” Xuan Chu tilted his head to look at her, with his voice a little louder, “Yan.”

Venus suddenly came back to senses. Seeing both of them staring at her, she asked with a dazed face, “What?”

“What are you looking at? Can I have a look at it?” Xuan Chu smiled and reached out for her phone.

Venus hurriedly put it back to her pocket and made up something nonsense, “A legendary story of a master fashion designer. You won’t be interested. Why are you calling me?”

“Give me a glass of water. Thanks.”

do that, and she also gave one to Kerry.

eyes up as she placed the water in front of

too much like him. When he grew up, it was roughly the same outline as Kerry. Maybe even more handsome than

straight at her, keenly aware that she seemed to be looking at another person through him, as she hid a hint of joy and pride in

who was she missing? The one she

state, so she smiled awkwardly at Kerry, and then hurried back to

the doctor’ s last

room, he was shocked. He didn’t know Xuan Chu, but he knew Kerry.

casually, which was the doctor’s first

Chu’s rash disappeared and the fever went down, but he couldn’t feel any

he was sitting on the bed to move his muscles, he looked at Kerry, who was

my shoulders. My shoulders are sore after working for so long.” Xuan Chu said plainly, but Venus was a little annoyed, “Brother, why treat me as a maid? I don’t know how to do it.

Chu saw Kerry’ s hand that was rubbing his eyebrow stop from his corner of his eyes, continuing, “Just

at him. What did he

He also tilted his head and smiled at her,

do you know that?”

now my sister.” After saying that, he

After half a minute, Venus finally surrendered.

do you feel sore, shoulders?” Sitting on the bed, Venus placed her slender hands on Xuan Chu’s shoulders and asked wryly, “Here?”

that’s right.

how to do it. Recalling what she had seen on TV, Venus just

no matter how hard she tried, she had been raised with much care, so it was

How do you feel?”

rolled her eyes at him.

on the couch, however, was very uncomfortable inside and wanted to go up to stop him, but he

of sight, out of mind. “I’m going out for a cigarette.” Kerry left

up from the bed and stopped the “service”

that on purpose, didn’t you?” Venus asked in a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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