My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 192 Apologize or Fuck off (3)

Yiyao Mu was stunned and didn’t say anything. The middle-aged woman just continued, “We have a uniform during work and shoes don’t matter. A month’s base salary is two thousand and it depends on her performance to get more or less. If one is late for work, fifty. If someone complains, one hundred…”

The middle-aged woman was still talking about all the rules and regulations, but Yiyao was keeping thinking about the disgusting toilet. What was she gonna to do?

“Also, your probationary period is one month, and after one month…Yiyao, may I have your attention?” The middle-aged woman already found that she was absent-minded, so she shouted, “Do you hear what I’m saying?”

Yiyao been berated like this before. When she was about to retort back, she suddenly remembered her current situation. She suppressed herself, “Yes.”

“Come on, I’ll show you your floor.”

Yiyao was led down to the fifth floor by the middle-aged woman. The long hall was clean. Was this going to be the place where she worked from now on?

It was ridiculous.

Though Yiyao was listening to her bubbling, she was already in a mess.

“Alright, start working tomorrow and don’t forget, we’re working at seven and you have for five minutes, but over seven and a half minutes, you’ll be fined.”

“Got it.” Yiyao muttered inside, “It means she would have to get up at five or six. God!”

“Alright, go back and get ready for tomorrow’ s work.”

Yiyao dragged herself to meet Xinyi Fang, who was waiting in the company’s first floor lobby.

“Mom.” Yiyao was about cried out.

Xinyi hugged her daughter and comforted her, “Let’s forget this job. Kerry is clearly insulting you. I’m sorry. Let’s go, let’s go home.”

However, they already didn’t have a home. Fang family was just temporary.

This night, Yiyao tossed and turned in bed unable to sleep, wondering whether to go or not. If she didn’t go, she would have to find another job, and if she did, although it’s hard, but as Kerry sister-in-law, people at the company should give her some respect.

Maybe it’s because she used to be spoiled, the next day it’s already past seven as soon as she woke up.

rushed towards Yehuang Group, but there was

pile of documents. The security guard of Yehuang Group knew

a dinner, Venus would say that Xuan Chu had assigned a bunch of tasks and she didn’t have time. On the phone,

hard to get. Meeting too often would not

she still didn’t make any movement, the effect

behind. Venus

marble floor. The information in her hands spilled

a lot of people coming and going. When everyone saw this, they all stopped and looked at them.

“Hey, eyes on the road, OK?”

about to struggle up, but as soon as she

it was Yiyao? what a bad

why was she here?

she angrily shouted, “Apologize to me, OK? Do you

up with the help of someone beside her, whose knees were red. She looked at Yiyao with cold eyes, “Apologize? Didn’t you run into me?”

“If you went your way, how

also have an eye on the back of my head. Is this what you’re saying?”

say next, “It’s your

pushed open the glass door, seeing she and a woman was arguing.

and saw Kerry striding towards them, thinking that he was

But Kerry didn’t even look at her, and walked directly to Venus, with concern, “Why are the arms

shout “brother-in-law”, she immediately knew why she was here.

Yiyao came to Yehuang Group to work, and it was

and this girl suddenly knocked me down from behind and in turn asked me to apologize.

head to stare hard at Yiyao and softly said to

smiled coldly inside. She knew

so she’s a relative of Mr. Ye, no wonder

walking in a right way, how can you

the company was called by Kerry, “Help her to pick

I can do it myself.” Venus said coldly, bending over

whispered and then turned to Yiyao with a frosty face and asked, “I remember you’re supposed to work at seven,

to look at him and said in a small voice, “I

serious about this job, so go back. We don’t

tried to make him change his mind.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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