My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 203 Kerry Was Dead? (1)

"Are you okay, sir?" asked the man, who pointed at Heng Zhang with the gun and looked towards the car. However, Heng Zhang seized the moment and twisted his wrist, knocking the gun from the man’s hand. Just as Heng was about to pull out gun, he was shot on the right arm by someone and then fell to the ground.

The policeman who shot Heng with his gun came running at a gallop with his gun in his hand. As he passed by Heng, he took the gun from his hand. Heng was about to resist when Kerry's subordinate hit him in the back of the head with gun and he fell down again.

The policeman poked his head into the car and saw Kerry's blood-stained shirt and pale face."Sir, are you okay? I'm taking you to the hospital immediately." he asked anxiously.

Kerry pressed the arm weakly, "I'm fine now. Take these men back. I want to know who ordered them."

"Yes, sir.” said the man.

“Why do you look so weak?" asked Henry.

"They gave me an injection. I don't know what it is."

"I'll call John right away and tell him to send a helicopter." Henry took out his cell phone and called John. "John, Mr. Ye is hurt. You send a helicopter over to Sky City. I'll give you the exact address in a minute."

Henry then hung up the phone and helped Kerry out of the car.

"Fang, you and Long escort Mr. Ye back to city. Keep in touch with John at all times." Henry instructed.

Then Fang got in the car immediately.

"There's a med kit in that car, take it with you. It might help the doctor's diagnosis. Yan's and my cell phones are in some car somewhere. They have very important information," Kerry said.

Then Henry carried a med kit from the car to Long, "Don't worry, sir. I'll get the phone back." Then he patted the Long in the driver's seat, "Be careful on the road, and call me anytime when you need."

Soon the car drove off, running forward quickly.

Heng looked at the rear end of the car in the distance and felt a surge of remorse in his heart. He regretted that he had to come to a city to challenge Kerry. Just now he thought that the group of people was not Kerry's men, and also thought to use the treasure map to frame Kerry, but now his plan was ruined.

give him time to think about what to do with them, and there was no way Kerry could have told his subordinates where he was. “But how did they know where Kerry was?” Heng thought.

tie up Heng and others, and then threw them into a truck

his truck. Then he and his subordinates drove to


had just hung up Henry's phone, and when he looked up, he

I'm going to arrange for a helicopter to pick up him

too." Venus followed John.

you there. I'm afraid it will delay my time to pick

to the hospital and wait

gently, "Miss Chu, I'll go to the hospital with you

I’ll listen

Mr. Ye pack a few changes of clothes first?" said John.

pack now."

Venus was familiar with Kerry's bedroom. She'd lived in this room for most of her marriage to Kerry.

two t-shirts. As she was about to leave the room, it occurred to her that he might need a

drawer where brand

had met naked several times already, Venus had never had access to these personal items of his. She awkwardly took three pairs of flat-front panties from inside and

She and John then went to the People's Hospital. Then she and John come to the People's Hospital. With the permission of the hospital director, John, Venus, Han and some

it's Fang. Mr. Ye has passed

"What did you say?" John didn't hear his words clearly. He only heard the

passed out," Fang said

hurriedly hung up the call and texted instead. But his hands were shaking unconsciously and he couldn't

his hands had been shaking and took the phone from him and said, "John, I can

"Thank you. Ask Fang what happened to Mr. Ye."

sent the message. A few seconds later she received a text message from Fang that read, "Mr. Ye is in a coma. He's been drugged." Attached to the message were two photos, one of Kerry's eyes closed, pale, and wearing clothes covered

not calm. She had a strong feeling that something bad had happened to him in the past two days. She

Fang telling him to fly to the People's

little weak and leaned on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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