My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 93 I’ll teach you how to perform your wifely duties (2)

When Kerry came to the bathroom, he saw Venus pressed against the wall by a man. He face darkened and his pace quickened.

Arriving in front of her, Kerry reached out his hands and grabbed the man by the collar, and flung him aside. Then the man immediately fell to the ground.

"Zihang Lyu, it's you!" When he saw the man's face, Kerry's blue pupils shrank and he extended his fist and hit Zihang Lyu's face.

Zihang was punched hard. The pain in his face made his eyebrows furrow. He looked at Kerry' incredulity.

Kerry stepped forward and grabbed Kerry's neck, asking grimly, "Why are you here?"

A pang of remorse rose up inside Zihang. He regretted having forgotten that Venus was now Kerry's wife.

"It's a misunderstanding. I just happened to pass by and met Vivian….." Before Zihang finished his sentence, he felt that he could no longer make a sound.

Kerry snorted and said indifferently, "Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Kerry would kill him, so he was thinking about

Just then, Venus fell to the ground unconscious.

let go of Zihang's neck, stepped forward and took Venus by the arm, saying, "You

looked coldly

from the ground. When he saw Xinyou

almost caused me to be strangled to

bathroom and saw Zihang surprisingly. She felt uneasy

glanced at her

of anger in her heart, Xinyou questioned, "Didn't I tell you to take Venus

to me? I told her

remain calm. She inadvertently noticed the blood at the corner of Zihang's

me just now, did

the corner of Zihang's lips. He said coldly, "I was just about to tell Kerry that you ordered me to do

him." Xinyou was

corner of his mouth and said coldly, "In order to help you, my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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