My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 94 Why don't you divorce Kerry?(1)

Venus Mu was not precisely sure how long it took, she became limp and feeble. However, she found that the man on her body did not intend to stop at all.

She stretched out her hand and gave him a gentle push, saying in a weak tone, "Kerry Ye, just let me go. I can’t stand it."

Kerry ignored her request, his forehead kept sweating hotly, and he said in a sexy and attractive voice, "I'm worried that you won't learn a lesson, and next time you'll just go straight to the bed with other men!"

Venus couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Sleep gradually came into her eyes, and finally she couldn’t hold on and fell asleep.

Seeing this, Kerry stiffened and became angry, he pinched her waist hard. Venus immediately opened her eyes in pain and asked fiercely, "What are you doing?! Do you know it’s painful?!"

Kerry sneered and answered disdainfully, "I don't know. But maybe I should work harder? I can't believe you're that bored! Having sex with me makes you sleepy?"

Venus didn't realize that falling asleep while having sex with a man was actually a sign that this man was impotent, which was intolerable for any man.

But it was good for Venus to realize that she absolutely couldn't close her eyes again before Kerry was satisfied. Or else he would be even less likely to let her go in order to prove his abilities....

a long time, he finally had it done. Instantly, Venus fell dead asleep.

face under the moonlight. He suddenly thought of the

Venus turned over, she lifted her thigh on his waist unconsciously. Kerry was frozen, suddenly his

in sexual pleasure? He was easily attracted by Venus? A woman who had been fucked by so many

after thinking for a long time:

so many times? First Nangong, and then

pushed her thigh away. Venus twitched her mouth uncomfortably, and after turning over again, she was still in her deepest

was a

Kerry cursed in his heart and was annoyed that he had taken her as the woman of that night again. Then he suddenly realized that he had found the woman of that night already! That was supposed to

attributed it to the fact that he was not quite conscious because he was drunk that night, so that woman should actually be Xinyou Qiao....


next morning when Venus was awake, struggling to open her eyes. She was staring at the ceiling out of her mind until she felt the pain on her

Venus couldn't help but curse.

great difficulty, she went to the bathroom. The warm water softened her

makeup as quickly as she could, then

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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