My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 18: Christopher Garrison

Janet attended the second round of the interview on the date the Larson Group had assigned and successfully passed it.

At the end of the month, she received an offer.

The Larson Group had two separate buildings in the city.

The design department was on the seventeenth floor of the first building.

It housed a talented team of designers who possessed exceptional skills and experience.

All the designers had graduated from well-reputed universities with flying colors.

Janet believed the Larson Group would be the ideal place to start her career.

Before going upstairs, Janet went to a convenience store near the company to buy coffee.

"Miss, your change is on the floor."

Someone nudged her shoulder from behind.

"Oh, thank you."

Janet turned around, took the money from the man, and put it into her bag.

"You're welcome." The voice sounded familiar.

Janet looked up and met the man's gaze.

Her eyes widened in astonishment.


"What a coincidence!"

that twinkled with glee.He was wearing

laptop bag was casually slung

he didn't seem handsome and eye-catching at first glance, he

never thought that she would meet Christopher Garrison - her senior from college who

met after she

not interested in a relationship back then, so she politely

harmony, so she didn't feel

work in the

her hand, Janet walked out of the convenience store and looked at Christopher's

was so hostile

turned out that Christopher also worked

I was in college, so I joined the company right after graduation.You

my first day at

two chatted

a different department and held a

wondered if Christopher had stood up

family was also

information about all wealthy students was printed on the university forum, and Christopher was one among them. That was perhaps why the company listened to him and gave

Chris." Janet

that she was thanking him for

not a big deal.Why do you always

smiled, revealing her

don't want to owe favors to

a distance from him at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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