My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 31: A Drunken Kiss

Janet finally snapped out of her astonishment when the owner of the restaurant left with his staff.She quietly stared at Ethan.

‘How could he be so calm?’ she wondered.

"Ethan, what just happened? Why was the owner of this restaurant nice to you? Besides, he didn’t probe the issue to find out what really happened.How was he so sure that the waitresses were rude to us?"

Janet fired one question after the other.

"He didn’t have to question them.High-end restaurants always handle problems like these with care because they can’t afford to lose their reputation.The manager and waitresses were thoughtless, but the owner knew what to do.After all, losing even one customer would impact their business because reputation is their biggest asset," Ethan explained.

Biting her lip, Janet nodded in understanding.

Ethan’s words made sense.

"Speaking of which…"

She grinned and playfully nudged his arm.

"You were domineering like you were his boss."

"Gangsters like us have to put on an act at all times.It’s a dangerous world.Otherwise, I’d be dead by now."

Ethan filled Janet’s bowl with soup and looked at her.

Janet felt he was right, so she didn’t probe further.

Janet didn’t have to pay for their dinner, she enjoyed the meal and ordered all

owner gave them a bottle of Lafite as a token

had never tried expensive wine before, so she downed a few glasses

her up in his arms and walked

at the door of the restaurant for a long

car door for Ethan

and your wife are in a

"She is drunk."

gently put her inside

Garrett to inspect all the restaurants that belong to the Larson

drink much,

take off her coat when she was only wearing a thin coat and a

held her safely in his arms and glanced at the rearview

are not alone in the

Sean immediately looked away.

Ethan for many years but had never seen him this happy and

become gentle?’ Sean

he quickly shook

like the right adjective to describe Ethan.He had witnessed the fierce and


leaning against his chest.She looked up, and her

piece of tissue to wipe the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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