My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 107: You Still Have Me

His every word felt like fireworks exploding in her ears.Her heart stuttered in her chest.She began to sob uncontrollably.

The pain was unbearable.

Her vice-like grip wrinkled Ethan’s T-shirt that was soaked in her tears.

"It’s okay.I’m here.It’s over now, Janet."

Ethan hurriedly took out a tissue and wiped her tears.

He peppered kisses across her cheek and lips to comfort her.

Janet looked at him through her teary eyes, and her nose had turned red.She was so vulnerable at the moment that she shrank in his arms.She wrapped her arms around Ethan’s neck and cried, "What do I do now, Ethan? I have severed all ties with my adoptive parents, and Hannah is in fatal danger now.I feel like I have no one in this world.Nobody wants me."

Janet felt abandoned and helpless.

Living in a world without any hope or anyone to hold on to was tragic.

Janet wasn’t an optimistic person.She always pretended to be strong and happy to protect herself from the world.

"You still have me.I’ll always be with you."

Ethan pulled her closer into his arms.He meant every word he said.

Janet pressed her face closer against his neck and continued to sob silently.She clung to him for dear life.She didn’t know how and since when she started trusting Ethan.

the moment, the man was her

to stroke her back

Ethan’s chest, wrapping her arms around

her eyes, Ethan pulled the jacket tighter, covering Janet’s neck,

"Forget everything and sleep."

it was already midnight.She was

had carried

up.She wanted to close her eyes and sleep again but couldn’t.Her mind was filled with thoughts about Hannah.She tossed and turned on the bed

morning, Janet walked out of the

were bloodshot and

her company and took a leave of absence, Janet went

to the hospital to see if they had found another suitable liver

"Your phone is ringing."

door and came in with

lined his forehead when he saw Janet’s

the phone and quickly turned her

haggard today and didn’t want Ethan

to tell you that the liver that was originally assigned for Hannah Stone is

"Oh, okay, okay.That’s great!"

Janet was

what they had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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