My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 547: The Evidence

Without saying anything more, Ethan stood up abruptly and left the interrogation room. Now, he understood everything. The pieces of the puzzle were coming together. If Charis was the mastermind behind everything that had happened, then everything made sense.

Back in Seacisco where everything started, the only family that was powerful enough to do all those things without leaving a trace was the Turners. And the Turner family had some connections in Barnes as well.

Although it couldn‘t compare to how many connections they had in Seacisco, money made the world go round. It wouldn‘t have been hard for Charis to clean up her trail.

Ethan had thought that Charis would stop after he warned her, but he was wrong. He was ruthless to anyone who crossed the line, even if the culprit was his former classmate and partner.

When Ethan got home, Janet immediately stood up and approached him.

anxiously. Her big, bright eyes were filled with worry. After what had happened today, she lost her appetite for shopping.

then went back

his coat and put his arm around Janet‘s

go back to Seacisco for a few days.” Janet frowned slightly. Hearing Charis‘s name, she couldn‘t say

but she had already married

I never thought she‘d do all these horrible things,” Ethan said in a low voice. The way she tackled her relationships was the same as

lip, glancing at Ethan aggrievedly. Then she stopped in her tracks and got frustrated at herself. She was already married to Ethan. Why was she jealous? She took a deep

known each other a long time. Will you let her go?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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