My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 549: Not As Good As Her

“Uh! Ah! Ethan—! Let go of me!” Charis tried to scream but it got stuck in her throat. Her face turned purple from the lack of oxygen. She struggled and kicked, crying

“Dad! Help me! Dad?!”

Ethan was by no means a weak man. He could‘ve snapped Charis‘s neck without breaking a sweat.

Frightened out of his wits, Luke stood up immediately to protect his daughter.

“Mr. Larson, calm down! Let‘s talk about this!” He tried his best to pull Ethan‘s arm away but in vain. Catherine happened to come downstairs at this time. When she saw this scene, she was so frightened that she screamed. Her usual elegant and easy–going manner vanished instantly.

shouted, “Brandon, do you know what you‘re doing?! You are not

neck, which cut off Charis‘s access to oxygen completely. Just when she thought she was

on the ground and patted her daughter on the back anxiously. She glared at Ethan and roared, “Who do you think you are? Why‘d you do that to Charis?” Ethan removed the cuff links on his suit, rolled up his sleeves, and looked down at the two Turner women with a

kill my wife on more than one occasion. I thought I went too easy on her just now.” Catherine glanced

about her daughter‘s. She never had to worry about the capable Charis. All she knew was that Charis had left the Larson Group a while ago. She had thought that this was a good thing, because

that Charis liked Brandon, but they didn‘t know what she

some problems between you two, but that doesn‘t mean you can hurt my daughter!” Ethan sneered. He gathered the evidence on the table

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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