My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 577: Knight In Shining Armor

Laney instantly knew that something was off, but she didn‘t have the time to figure it out.

"This is my home.No matter what kind of feud you have–solve it somewhere else."

Laney clenched her fists and spoke clearly and concisely.

"Cut the crap, bitch! Greg‘s your boyfriend, so what?"

To his peers, he barked, "Get him!"

In the blink of an eye, the rest of the thugs surged forward.

Laney and Greg were outnumbered.

Worse yet, those men were armed.She couldn‘t defeat them all by herself.

Moreover, with Greg hiding behind her, she couldn‘t make a run for it.She grabbed Greg‘s collar and yanked him towards the French window in the living room.

The men closed in on them.

To buy some time, Laney picked up a chair and hurled it at them.She shouted at Greg, "Jump out the window! I‘ll cover you!"

Greg craned his neck and looked out the window.

Instantly, his face turned pale.They were on the third floor.

the ground below was covered in grass, there


Greg‘s voice was shaky.

was busy fighting off these strong men with her

kill you, I‘m not coming

Laney gritted her teeth and pushed

you just

an ear–piercing scream as the two jumped out of the window together.They landed on the lawn and rolled.The fall seemed to have knocked all

It‘s only a matter of

was sweating profusely from the fight, but she didn‘t have the

the men caught up to them,

choice but to fight.She gritted her teeth and started attacking

men weren‘t

obviously had formal training


managed to knock

glanced at Greg, who was

together, the two of them would stand

what she saw rendered

cowering behind her, shaking

knew she couldn‘t count on

lose hope, a voice sounded from

bullying a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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