My Sleeping Beauty Husband

My Sleeping Beauty Husband By Lyanna Nichols Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Save Me

“Why are you here?”

Cynthia thought that she might have been set up.

She quickly retreated to go out. When she opened the door, Ivan suddenly said, “Cynthia, if you dare to go, I’ll ask my girlfriend to say that you made her infertile for life. By then, it will be too late to

regret it.”

“You are shameful.” Cynthia stared at him with anger.

“If I’m not, how can I ask you out?” Ivan shrugged. “I won’t make trouble for you. If you have a meal with me, I’ll let you go.”

“No, I feel sick when I see you.”

Ivan laughed when he heard this. “I won’t force you if you don’t want.”

I will let it go.

glass of wine with a

in it?” Ivan laughed, poured himself a

drank it. “Don’t worry.”

the glass and gulped it

table. “I’ve

were water stains on her lips,


at her with burning eyes. He suddenly rushed forward and hugged her. “Cynthia, I’ve never been

horror, desperately shaking off his

much less powerful than Ivan. Ivan easily fettered her with one hand, while tearing at her clothes with the other hand, burying his head in

felt uncomfortable about his breath beside her neck and her whole

scream, she kicked

a breath, covered the part with both hands, and his face was

kick me?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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