My Sleeping Beauty Husband

My Sleeping Beauty Husband By Lyanna Nichols Chapter 114

Chapter 114 A Slander

Dylan looked serious when he heard it.

Cynthia had known Dylan for so long, but she hadn’t met his family. She didn’t know what kind of person his mother was, so she tentatively asked, “Is it because Helen is an orphan that your mother doesn’t give her blessings to you? Maybe someone called just now to tell her Helen was an orphan.”

Dylan shook his head. “My mother is not that kind of person. I have an older brother, and he will inherit the family property. My parents told me since I was a child that I didn’t need a strategic marriage. I can do whatever I want and choose my own wife.”

He was stunned for a while, saying, “I’ll ask her!”

He directly called his mother. Immediately, an angry scolding sound came. “Dylan Carter. You dare to run away from home. I’m your mother. Don’t try to push me by that. Even if you leave the family, I won’t let you marry Helen Brown!”

Dylan’s face darkened when he heard that, and he was agitated. “Mom, Helen is good-looking and has a good temper. She is also a doctor and good at it. Why don’t you allow me to marry her? Didn’t you say that I could.

choose my own wife?”

His mother fell silent. Dylan remembered Cynthia’s conjecture and asked, “Do you dislike Helen because she

is an orphan?”

“What nonsense are you talking about!” His mother was angry, “Am I a snobbish person?”

“Then why!” Dylan frowned tightly. “Just tell me what you dislike about Helen. Don’t be vague. If you can’t give a reason, I will marry her anyway. I have already got my identification, and we can get married anytime.”

“You unfilial son!” His mother on the opposite side was panting with anger. After a while, she said, “Okay, since you want to know, I’ll tell you. Helen Brown is flirtatious!”

“What!” Dylan exclaimed. Cynthia almost spat out milk and stared at him in astonishment.

Dylan’s mother snorted coldly. “She’s probably hiding it from you. I’ve checked everything about her. She stayed out all night in college and went to bars and nightclubs. She hooked up with…men, having no shame. She could do anything for money without any bottom line. She has pretended to be good in front of you.”

Then she sneered, “My daughter-in-law can be born poor, but I will never allow such a dirty b*tch to marry into our family and destroy our integrity. If you dare to marry her, you will not be our son.”

Then she hung up the phone.

Holding the phone, Dylan was stunned, with full of disbelief on his face.

Cynthia was anxious and patted his arm. “Do you really believe your mother’s words?”

his phone

in the bar at night to earn. tuition and living expenses. I have been there a few times. She

know Helen better than anyone else does. She is

“Of course, I know who Helen is.

was her first

feelings about that. She looked awkward and made herself

made me

he blushed with shame at that moment. “I’ll talk


was in a

If you talk to her, she will think you made it

a moment, then nodded. “I

and made her not have a good impression in front of my mother?” Dylan thought to

Dylan’s handsome face. If he knew this person, he would


told her to keep his running

She agreed.

a taxi. Dylan had no choice but to get her a car on the side of the road

corner of the opposite

sensed something was wrong and looked over suddenly, only to find

he had been so worried that

house, she saw Alston’s car. She

Lorenz was also there. She

on his delicate and handsome face. “I haven’t

came to Lorenz Green.”

back with me to see if

if someone owed him a lot of money.

delicate and cute face.

You didn’t wear this dress

and quickly wrapped

heat from his chest

crazy woman who splashed water on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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