My Sleeping Beauty Husband

My Sleeping Beauty Husband By Lyanna Nichols Chapter 216

Chapter 216 Danger

When he arrived at the apartment, Vanessa was sleeping. Beck stared at her with red eyes and dragged her up from the bed.

Vanessa suddenly woke up. Seeing Beck, she was a little dazed. “Why are you back at this time? Isn’t there an important cooperation today? Are you done?”

Hearing this, Beck felt annoyed and became even angrier. He held her arm tightly with a grim expression. “Tell me, did you take that video?”

“What video?” Vanessa looked confused.

Beck angrily told her what had happened today, and asked again, “Only the two of us can come to this apartment. Did you take the video? What are you planning?”

Vanessa felt that she was innocent. She had done nothing, but he put the blame on her. Vanessa showed a look of grievance on her face.

“How can you doubt me? You are the source of my everything. Why would I ruin your cooperation? I wish you better than anyone else.”

Her words were reasonable. Beck was very clear in his heart.

Vanessa stayed with him because of his money, not love. She had no reason to do such a thing.

“It’s really not you?” Beck frowned.

Seeing that he had already believed her a bit, Vanessa climbed onto his shoulder and said softly, “It’s not me!”

Seeing Beck’s thoughtful expression, Vanessa rolled her eyes. “Jane and her daughter might do this.”

“Impossible. They wouldn’t do such a thing.” Beck didn’t believe it. After all, Jane also had shares in Miller Group, she wouldn’t be stupid to do such a thing.

“Except them, Smith Group and Tansy Group might do this.”

Vanessa wanted to say a few more words, but she saw Beck standing up from the bed suddenly. “I must investigate it clearly. Who took the video? Who disrupted our cooperation?”

 excitement. Cherry ran over

complacent. Although the professional hackers

hearing this, Cherry was happy for a moment, but at the same time, she

Miller Group went bankrupt, wouldn’t we

cruel. He let us leave without giving us a penny. We

annoying lawyer didn’t come over all

complaints about Jane because of Ivan before, but now she

shall we do next?” Her eyes were

only daughter and also her spiritual pillar. She must make all preparations so

should be yours can only be yours. I will not let Miller Group fall into other people’s


busy comforting employees, and at the same time, he was thinking about finding out the mastermind of the video. He didn’t have time. to force Jane to divorce, which gave

few days later,

Mr. Green’s 70th birthday. Many people were ready to take this opportunity to flatter the Green family. In previous years, the Green family would send out invitations a month earlier, but this year, none

the Green

didn’t plan to have a

They only asked people to present

the Green family gave all the servants a holiday and booked a

location of this restaurant was relatively remote, and there were not many people. It was very quiet, and the environment

Lorenz supported the two old people. Since Lynn disappeared, the family had

were moist as Old Mrs. Green looked at the happy family. She patted Cynthia’s hand, her voice trembling slightly, “It’s a good thing that Cynthia is back. Although we don’t see Lynn,

If her mother

in.” Lorenz

“Your grandfather likes this restaurant the most. Although this

there was a cry of pain from the

her head and saw an old lady fall to the ground, hugging her legs and yelling.

I’ll go and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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