My Sleeping Beauty Husband

My Sleeping Beauty Husband By Lyanna Nichols Chapter 306

Chapter 306 Confuse Right and Wrong

Gigi didn’t know what happened between Alston and his Uncle Clare and cousin, but

when David said it was because of Cynthia, she understood a bit.

“Do you mind telling me what happened back then?” Gigi asked curiously. She really

wanted to know how Alston fell in love with Cynthia, so that she would know which

method was more suitable to get close to him.

David understood her intentions and did not refuse. He returned to the ward and started


*Alston had an accident and became a vegetable. Originally, the eldest daughter of the

Miller family, Cherry, had an engagement with him. But Cherry repented, and Cynthia,

the less favored illegitimate daughter, replaced her sister and

married Alston.”

Enter title…

“What?! Cynthia is an illegitimate daughter!” Gigi was shocked. Three years ago, she

and her father learned that Alston was the president of Smith Group, and they also

investigated Cynthia. Since the Green family hid the news of Cynthia, and the

Green family was gone, they only found out that Cynthia was from the Green family.

Gigi suddenly realized. “At that time, I wondered how Cynthia could have the surname

‘Miller‘ since she came from the Green family. It seems that there are many things I don’t


David gave an ironic smile. “Oh, we all knew that Cynthia was an illegitimate daughter at

that time. She was found by the Green family, so she was admitted back and became

the young lady of the Green family. Without the status, she is just an illegitimate


“It turns out that her mother is a mistress! The daughter of the Green family likes being a

mistress. What’s wrong with her?”

Gigi didn’t expect to find out about this news. The innate inferiority complex in front of

Cynthia weakened a lot. She kept implying that Cynthia was just an illegitimate daughter.

Although her family was not rich, at least her mother was not a mistress. She is the

beloved daughter of her parents. An illegitimate daughter like Cynthia could not be

compared with her.

flickered, but

illegitimate daughter

Beck’s fraudulent marriage.

for Gigi to have the

Didn’t Alston become a vegetable? How did he wake


a coincidence that Alston woke up on the first

to the Smith family. Cynthia had been taking care

care of him

so she succeeded in making

thought. “Why is this different from my

in my family, I also tried my best to take

impression of

asked. David said, “Maybe

once at that time, so he was immune to this method. Don’t worry. As long as

the Smith house and be smart, let them

you outside. Then, you can get rid

close to Alston when his defense

weakest. It will

nodded. At this time, she was full of

at her energetic look, nodded in satisfaction,

Smith pointed out that her identity did

was very persistent. In

often sowed discord in his ears, causing

she even

Alston hate Mr. Ivan. The conflicts intensified and finally,

angrier as

provocation and blamed all the faults on

it. In her words,

also very angry when she heard these things. “She has

likes to sow discord so much.

woman is too

talked to Cynthia for a long time before David continued. “In the past few

about Alston and has always wanted to get

Alston, and

charge of Smith Group, she began to deal with Tansy Group. President Smith and

never thought she would

he spoke and secretly looked at Gigi’s expression.

said, a triumphant smile flashed

find a way to return to the

Cynthia out.”

believed in David. She thought that

by her because he loved her. As long as he recognized

up and finally fall in love with her, a woman


she was the


there was a knock on the door. The voice of the nurse came

spilled and asked me to

because of something. Can I come in

the Smith family? Has what they just said

heard?” He thought.

Gigi smiled and comforted him. “The nurse is not from the Smiths.

wait to kick her out. How

her? The

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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