My Son's Mom Will Be My Wife

My Son Mother Will Be My Wife Chapter 14

My Son Mother Will Be My Wife Chapter 14– Visiting sawmills

Nicholas pulled his thin lips apart and said calmly:

“He’s behaving like that because he wanted to go home with you. I don’t think it was a mistake to stop it. However, since you insist on tolerating it, why don’t you come to the Sawyers’ house? Take it as an invitation from me to perform for Greg at home, and I’ll pay you at your usual rate. What do you think?


When Tessa heard the suggestion, she was puzzled.

Gregory’s sobs also stopped as he looked up in surprise. It didn’t take long for him to realize that his dad, in a way, had agreed, and he was radiant as he looked at Tessa.

“Is that okay?”

“What the hell… Nicholas doesn’t want me to get close to Greg, does he? Why would he allow me to be in contact with Greg all of a sudden?”

However, no matter what, Tessa wouldn’t say no to more income.

Tessa’s lips curled into a smile as she cupped Gregory’s chubby cheeks, replying affectionately:

“Alright, I’ll do it for you.

“Yes! You are the best! I can’t believe you’re coming to my house.

The boy was very happy, and his little face flushed as his eyes shone like stars. Then, he ran to kiss his father’s cheek and smiled happily.

“I love you, Dad! You are the best.

Nicholas didn’t know if he should laugh or cry.

little guy changes his mood

back to the villa. However, it was

area and was indescribably extravagant. It seemed otherworldly, surrounded by

door, one finds a low-key but luxurious decoration. The off-white theme of the space also introduces a touch of

“Come sit here!

to sit on the sofa. The attendees entered one

mientras observaba en secreto el comportamiento

Tessa desde que entró en la casa, no se había comportado de forma anormal. No trató de

té, Tessa incluso tomó la


bastante inteligente. No tardó en pensar en una

la noche! Toco el piano durante media hora todos los días después

miraba a Nicholas. Éste no parecía estar molesto por la idea, así

—Por supuesto.

podemos estar juntos durante más tiempo. —Gregory parecía demasiado feliz mientras

había tomado cariño

que estaba en casa de otra persona. Había aceptado su dinero, pero pasaba la mayor parte del tiempo comiendo y jugando en lugar de actuando, así que no le parecía



dúo, se dio cuenta de repente de que Gregory también tenía un talento sorprendente para tocar

Gregory y

—Gregory se giró de

esbozó una débil

—Sí, lo sé.

sonrió con

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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