Chapter 378

“Did someone locate the tomb of the King of Medicine?” Nash furrowed his brows. The tomb was no ordinary place. The undead corpse and deathworms inside it must not be released.

If it was an archaeological team, it was highly likely they would lose their lives. If it was another tomb-raiding group and they failed to handle the undead corpse and deathworms properly, the people nearby would also be affected.

“Aside from me, there are two other people a part of the Seekers Hall who are still alive- Yoseph Stone and Anders Law. Both of them are skilled in the art of leyline identification as described in the Seekers Hall’s scripture.

“Yoseph left the Seekers Hall with the former leader’s permission to join the national archaeological team, while Anders left without permission and has been missing ever since. “If Yoseph found the tomb, he would definitely have notified me in advance. So, I suspect it’s Anders who found it and attempted to raid it. He’s an unscrupulous man. If he gains control of the grave spirit inside the tomb chamber, it could spell disaster for the region!”

Bradley gripped his tobacco pipe tightly, his expression worried.

Xeno rubbed his hands and said, “Then, we need to prevent it from happening. We should head to the tomb immediately!”

Bradley smiled bitterly when he heard what Xeno said. “My son learned how to identify leylines. My nephew was also a tomb raider officer, while Ophelia’s husband was a descendant of the queen of grave robbers.”

skills, yet they all met their demise. What else could be said of you?”

three corpses on the woven mat and then looked at Nash. Whether or not they head off for the tomb was Nash’s

a fierce glare and said, “If you dare to go tomb-raiding,

me too much

somewhere even Mr. Perry hesitates to go and you think I have the

why don’t you report the tomb to Yoseph and have the national

nodded. “Alright. I’ll call Old Yoseph

to set up the

she said, “Nash, my grandfather is in critical condition. My parents and I are going to Jonford. We didn’t have time to inform you given how short notice

me with you. I am a miracle doctor!” Nash said with a wry

in her 40s, and her father was, at most, in his 60s. His condition clearly was not a natural one.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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