Chapter 1236

“It’s okay, you did great!”

Nash helped Robert up and said, “I had a hunch you were being threatened when I picked up your call, so I understand your predicament. It’s not your fault!”

He then took out his phone and checked his WhatsApp group chat to see if the others were done.

Bertram was the first to inform the group.

He sent a ‘mission accomplished’ gif three minutes ago.

Ash also sent a text message one minute ago.

Nash texted: [Done on my side.]

Not long after, Carlos, Ayne, and Eric also reported in.

Nash then sent a voice message asking them to bring all the

apprentices here.

After waiting a little longer, Nash noticed Felicity and Jaxon had not

reported in.

Nash frowned slightly.

Did they run into unexpected trouble?

Jaxon was exceptionally skilled. He should not have any problem.

even if he were up against two of the Freeman brothers.

Felicity texted in the group: [Mission accomplished.]

Chapter 1236

Seeing her reply, Nash breathed out a sigh of relief.

to travel farther than the rest,

late reply.

were drinking tea at


with gritted teeth, “I didn’t expect

powerful friends!”

word about Nash retaking the Martial Arts Association.

would be

warning to

all seven halls at once. By the

too late.


or something?! Screw it! Are any of you up for a


first time Nash had messed up their plans. The

pissed off this

received a phone

darkened as he

Chappen 1236

of the Southern Territory has left Xanthalos! He took all of his men with

dialed Artoile’s

his flushed face.

go through. Artoile must

Damn it!

eyes gleamed with a murderous intent.


“Yeah. I tried inviting the other Wardens, but all of them declined my offer. It wasn’t easy, but somehow, I

yet he betrayed

sneered and said, “I bet it’s because

of this shit. Let’s go beat the

of them. What do you say, brothers? You guys coming?”

said, “Of course, I’m in! You don’t know how long

waiting for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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