Chapter 1262

Hera’s tone was chilling, her demeanor icy. It made Eugene feel as if he had been encased in ice.

“Sorry… I’m sorry…” Eugene’s head felt like it was about to explode. He could not think of anything else to say other than an apology.

“That’s it? You’re sorry? That fire cost my company three million! The food poisoning, six million! How are we going to settle this account?” Hera’s gaze was so cold it could almost freeze.

Yasmin moved a chair from the business van for Hera to sit on. Hera was pregnant, and standing too long would numb her legs. Hera sat on the chair, her cold eyes continuing to stare at the sweating Eugene. “I want ten times the compensation. That’s no problem, right?

“N–No problem!” Eugene nodded like a pecking chicken. Ten times the compensation was only 90 million. He and his father had saved up nearly 200 million over the years. They could afford it.

Hera’s eyebrows furrowed slightly. “Seeing you agree so easily, it seems that 90 million is not enough to make you feel the pinch. Let’s make it a hundred times the compensation, then. I want nine billion!”

“No, no, no… It’s very much a pinch. Our savings only amount to about 200 million. We really can’t come up with nine billion!” Eugene was almost crying at this point.

just because he had agreed too quickly. If he had deliberated, who knew if she would have taken his legs instead? Clearly, she had the power to just rob him of anything and everything.

twitched slightly. “So that means you

with nine billion!” Eugene was practically crying now, minus the tears. Olivia was a hundred times more terrifying than the devil.

Hera, speaking respectfully, “Ms. Lewis, the number of the major

worked together seamlessly. Hera was increasingly impressed by Eva’s

connected. A voice, aged and weathered, came from the other

chairwoman of Southern

the other end. There was silence for

dare to instruct you. However, your branch in Xanthalos has been going to extremes recently to suppress my company. There have been incidents of

no fool. He knew Hera was demanding compensation. As the spokesperson for a second–rate family, he was well aware that Hera would

billion!” Hera

you have some influence in Jonford, but my position in Sagen is not something you can afford to offend. If you insist on taking things too far, I wouldn’t mind making

Hicks?” Hera narrowed her eyes.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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