Chapter 1297

The sword energy glowed vertically on the horizon. Huge palms of

flames covered the sky.

It was winter. All the plants and trees on the mountain had dried up.

‘s Arthur’s Flamecloud Palm attack lit the entire mountain on fire.

dEric and Yulia each performed various Path techniques.

y The sky was covered with dark clouds. Thunder was rolling, and

strong winds blew from all directions. Heavy rain started to pour in an


jooklia took out a piece of talisman from her bag and clamped it

erbetween her fingers. She shook it gently, and the talisman burned

urich purple flames.

e perfahre performed the Penta Cross Step, she recited the incantation, ky Tiseley is clear and the earth is wide. Corpse demon, I summon your

> me eliminateliminate the unjust!”

reciting réttingathe incantation, the flames of the talismans

s high andiervalubenveloped Yulia instantly.

ext second, sultansiepladstepped out of the flames.

ce was coveredovittredawith black lines, and her eyes emitted a green

meter-tall phantom shroud shrouded her physical body. The phantom s thin as a veil, with hollath byllow eye sockets that glowed green. It

wild claw-like nails on both hands that

Chapter 1297

at least 20 centimeters


sneer. “Ha… No

like the Voodoo Parasite King

also practice evil Path techniques!”

gods and

creatures like Corpse demons. In order to

these, one needed to establish a soul

the demon.

to be worshiping a corpse demon or had

the corpse demon.

you have any other skills, bring it on!”

it was rather grotesque because a

deep breath. “Well then, I’ll show

his fingers and drew symbols on his palms.

earthly spirits, oh mighty H In the name of the divine, I compel you!” Eric’s palms glowed wi golden light as he finished the

the ground. A figure

behind him, and touched the sword with his left hand.

Chopy4 1297

his sword at Yulia, and his voice

monster, how dare you act


hands in the air. The already

number of black shadows emerged from the ground, baring their teeth as they rushed toward

obey orders to

these evil spirits!”

behind him. Dull fighting sounds broke out among the dark warriors as

confronted Yulia with

Profound Reality Realm experts who were slightly braver

with a telescope from thousands of meters away.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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