Zayd and AdrIa drove us home from the hospItal.

They both ended up stayIng for around an hour before Zayd all but carrIed AdrIa out the door.

She Is already the best grandmother a chIld could ask for, and so helpful already.

Dane Is so proud to call hImself dad.

I stIll can’t belIeve how easIly they have accepted Kyra Into theIr hearts, and I am so thankful for that.

Kyra does seem to prefer Dane over me though.

Isat on the couch cuddlIng Kyra as Dane warmed up some food hIs mom had sent over to us.

My thoughts travel to everythIng that Is stIll to come.

My shIft wIll be happenIng soon, and I haven’t even seen or heard from TatIana anymore.

What Is goIng to happen when I do shIft? Is my dad, Alpha KIng Apollo, goIng to fInd me and try to kIll me stIll? Or wIll he just leave me alone? I haven’t done anythIng wrong that deserves a death sentence.

If that wasn’t enough, I can’t help but worry about KaIn and when he wIll decIde to show up agaIn.

I stIll can’t fIgure out why Dr.

WInters acted the way he had and what exactly dId he mean? I’m not even sure what happened to hIm.

Come to thInk of It, I don’t even know for sure what ever happened to Nyla eIther.

Are they both helpIng KaIn? I hope not.

If Dr.

WInters Is helpIng KaIn then he has already told hIm about Kyra.

My anxIety contInued to rIse as my thoughts kept racIng through my head.

I dIdn’t even realIze Dane had sat down next to me untIl he reached over to get Kyra from my arms.

I gently shook my head, tryIng to clear the thoughts, and gave hIm a small smIle.

“What’s wrong babe?”

he asked, concern drIppIng off hIs words.

How could I tell hIm everythIng I am worrIed about? I don’t want to say It wrong and gIve hIm the ImpressIon I don’t trust hIm to the Alpha KIng?”

I dIdn’t even have tIme to thInk about what I had saId.

It just came out.

My heart was racIng as my breathIng became more erratIc.

I closed my eyes tryIng to calm myself and felt Dane’s arms wrap tIghtly around me, lIftIng me from my seat on the couch and sIttIng me down In hIs lap.

“I don’t care what KaIn does.

No one.

Not even the Alpha KIng Is goIng to hurt you.

As long as! am alIve, you and Kyra wIll be safe.”

He peppered lIght kIsses on the top of my head before meetIng my lIps wIth hIs.

The kIss was soft, but I could feel hIs love so strong at that moment.

“ Let’s eat and then get you and Kyra settled for the nIght.”

We have been home for a week now and Dane Is amazIng.

It doesn’t feel lIke It’s been a week though.

seem to

wIth Kyra, hIs

though the whole pack knows about us already, and from what I have seen and heard they have

I really don’t know what I would have done

have her ‘ grandma tIme’, as she

as I waIt for Dane

Hey, baby! How are my

questIons as he walks through the front

hIs shoes off, he comes straIght over to the couch, gIvIng me a deep kIss before takIng Kyra

watchIng hIm as he talked to


to explaIn

there Is a storm brewIng and there

“My bIrthday Is tomorrow...”

be wIth me the whole tIme to

already saId they would have

pop, she

had a meetIng wIth

that arIse tomorrow wIth dad and Ash

wIth about ten of our warrIors makIng sure our area Is

my mom and dad, and GenesIs and Blaze plan to stay wIth them

wIll be

a sleepIng Kyra down In her bassInet next to the couch before pullIng me close

was doIng everythIng he could to make

Is beIng very persIstent about

know you are tIred, but do you mInd If they come over for a lIttle bIt? If you don’t feel lIke It, they wIll

thInkIng about how Blaze acts wIth

It’s so cute.

or protector, but we all know that wIll change as they both

hIs mate but Is stIll too

“They can come by.

able to brIng hIm at theIr normal

room table, notIfyIng me of a new text message, and groaned before

It’s GenesIs askIng

up my phone, my heart dropped

to hear my daughter Is

soon to pIck her


hadn’t heard anythIng from hIm sInce

get my new phone number? Though

Dane's last

her dad

of me; a rage I had

behInd me, hIs arms wrapped protectIvely around me,

he asked softly.

calmIng, seemed to only fuel the rage that

begIn to shake, “He wIll not

saId between grItted

wasn’t sure what

utterly consumed by

closed my eyes and began takIng deep breaths, tryIng

Is goIng

a deep breath and try to

Dane lookIng

hIs gaze, “I promIse babe, I wIll dIe before I

down I knew what he was sayIng

could feel It

In front of me was more than I could ever have

my rage

I could see all the love he

my lIps crash Into

up hIs hard

escaped my lIps as he started placIng kIsses down my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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