As bad as it hurt, I was determined not to scream.

I didn’t want to alert anyone of what was happening.

I needed the element of surprise on my side, and Blaze was able to keep in all his pain; not once did he scream out.

can do that too; I have to.

The pain intensified as my bones started popping, shifting to their new position.

It got so bad I thought I would pass out.

I could feel the sweat rolling down my body as I tried to keep myself as calm as possible.

Thankfully, I witnessed others shift for the first time, so I knew what to expect.

I was happy about that but also worried.

There were a few whose first time shifting lasted a lot longer than most.

What if I was one of those? I don’t have anyone here to make sure I make it.

I gritted my teeth; I do have someone here.

..I have Blaze...

reminded myself.

I’m not sure how long my shift lasted, it felt like hours, but the pain finally subsided.

I stayed lying on the floor as I tried to catch my breath and calm my racing heart.

Get ready.

The calming voice seemed to float through the room again.

No time for it.

I stood shakily scanning the room, trying to decide the best place to wait.

I couldn’t believe how much clearer my vision was.

Though it was pitch black in here, I could see fine.

I felt exhausted, but this was our only chance.

The sound of footsteps reminded me now was not the time to figure out what new abilities I had.

I crouched down in the corner as adrenaline rushed through my body.

The door slowly opened, “Here you go, princess!” I heard aman snarl.

I watched as Blaze was shoved through the door; he fell to the floor, unable to catch himself with his hands and feet chained.

I let out a low growl as the anger boiled inside me.

Blaze was almost unrecognizable as I glanced over and I saw a small smile form on his face.

The man that pushed Blaze into the cell hadn’t realized the growl he heard had come from me.

He stepped into the room, bending down to take the shackles off Blaze.

I crouched down, waiting to pounce, as Blaze only stared at me.

jumped out, tackling the

widened in surprise as I held

ripping his throat out in one swift

Blaze’s husky voice

him, blood dripping from

almost swollen shut, and he was covered

see various burn marks across his body as

out, gently touching my

trying to see my paws to

not how my shift was supposed

been at

me through this, but no,

began rising again at

would be,” Blaze whispered as he continued to

nudged him with my nose, wanting him to stand up so we could try to escape, now was

he knew exactly what I was

could tell how weak he was, but somehow, he was pushing through

so long?!” a voice boomed down the

was Devin’s little puppet Trey; I would recognize his voice anywhere at this

tried to position myself in front of Blaze, only for

out a disapproving growl making him smile, “ me before turning his

human form, my whole face

raced as

when he reached the door, “she



to the floor and punching him in the face

heard Blaze sneer right before he snapped Trey’s

motioning for me to

hear footsteps rushing towards us as we walked down the hall, trying to

stopped and kneeled in front of me, “I need you to find somewhere to

try to mind link

have your wolf and the fact you are a royal, you may be able to reach someone.” I growled at his


it would be, yet he thought he could take them


“Kyra...babe, please.

don’t have much time....” I

so stubborn,” he mumbled as he stood up,

closed my eyes and took a slow


waited for a


Anyone?? It wasn’t working, and the footsteps were almost

time to tell him

end of the hallway flew open, banging

to see you have finally

walking towards us with

must be exhausted; the first shift is usually very

you go ahead and shift back, and we can get you out of

talk about our next step.” He finally looked at Blaze, “don’t act stupid right now, mutt.” At his words, I snarled, showing my teeth

narrowed at me, “Chains!” he snapped his fingers, and a

his teeth sinking into the man’s outstretched arm and ripping it off in one

chain reaction, and before I knew it, the small hallway was filled with

attack Blaze; no one was even

they thought I wasn’t a threat

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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