Chapter 147

Snow could not have been clearer about Nicole’s background. The Riddle family might have a long history, but it had long past its glory and could no longer be a deterrence for Cain. Something else must have made Cain feel so afraid.

She furrowed her brows in thought, not even noticing that Harvey had walked past her.

A thought came to mind when Harvey saw Snow. He suddenly changed direction and walked toward her. “What has just happened, and why are you standing here, Snow?”

had to ask her? But she quickly dismissed this idea and told Harvey what she had

a look back at her. That kind of icy look was something she had never seen before in his eyes. She stopped in her tracks. Snow had been like a staunch believer who had been running toward the sun, but now the sun was no longer

Karen would come and question her about how she and Harvey were going. But she did not know how to tell Karen that in just

Raine to meet Harvey today. She was thinking of having a pleasant conversation with

her clothes as she slowly walked away with

glanced back at

of Cain. As desperate as he wanted to flee, he did not forget to pass the box to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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